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La crisis climática amenaza los derechos reproductivos de las mujeres card link

La crisis climática amenaza los derechos reproductivos de las mujeres

Las emergencias asociadas a la crisis climática dificultan el acceso a servicios de salud reproductiva. Las medidas que tomen los Estados para hacer frente a la emergencia climática deben priorizar la garantía y esencialidad de [...]

SRHR General,Latin America & Caribbean, Inter-American Human Rights System,Engaging Policymakers, Reporting on Rights,Press Releases

Llamado a la Corte Interamericana para reconocer el cuidado como derecho humano y su relación con la autonomía reproductiva

Organizaciones de la Sociedad civil piden a la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos reconocer el cuidado como un derecho humano y su directa relación con el derecho a la autonomía reproductiva de las mujeres, para [...]

SRHR General,Latin America & Caribbean, Inter-American Human Rights System,News

Written Opinion on the Right to Care and its Relation to Reproductive Autonomy Submitted Before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights

Opinion by the Center and its partners argues that care—including caring for others, being cared for and self-care—should be considered a universal and autonomous human right.

Right to Care,Latin America & Caribbean, Inter-American Human Rights System,Engaging Policymakers, Reporting on Rights,Documents

IACHR Examines Impact of Agrochemicals on Reproductive Health in Latin America

The Center provides testimony on the dangers of glyphosate and other agrochemicals, an issue it has worked on for several years.

SRHR General,Latin America & Caribbean, Colombia, Inter-American Human Rights System,Engaging Policymakers, Around the World, Reporting on Rights,Story

IACHR Explores Human Rights Violations of U.S. Abortion Bans

Watch the replay of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights hearing with testimony by the Center and its partners on rights violations resulting from the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

Abortion, SRHR General,Latin America & Caribbean, United States, Inter-American Human Rights System,Engaging Policymakers, Around the World, Reporting on Rights,Story
Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos recibió evidencia de las violaciones a derechos humanos en América Latina por el uso de glifosato y otros pesticidas card link

Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos recibió evidencia de las violaciones a derechos humanos en América Latina por el uso de glifosato y otros pesticidas

• La exposición a agrotóxicos causa devastadores efectos en la salud reproductiva, especialmente en mujeres y niñas de comunidades indígenas, negras y quilombolas. • El 51% de los agrotóxicos usados en el mundo se aplican [...]

Latin America & Caribbean, Inter-American Human Rights System,Press Releases

Human Rights Body Hears Firsthand Accounts of Fear and Danger Caused by U.S. Abortion Bans

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights holds first hearing on U.S. abortion access since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the constitutional right to abortion.

Abortion,United States, Inter-American Human Rights System,Engaging Policymakers, Around the World, Reporting on Rights,News

CIDH escuchó impactantes testimonios sobre los efectos de la prohibición del aborto en Estados Unidos

La Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos realizó su primera audiencia sobre acceso al aborto en Estados Unidos, desde que la Corte Suprema revocó la protección federal constitucional al derecho al aborto en ese país.

United States, Inter-American Human Rights System,Press Releases

Reproductive rights are human rights.

Help us ensure that every government around the world guarantees them.

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to Hold Hearing on Rights Violations of U.S. Abortion Bans card link

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to Hold Hearing on Rights Violations of U.S. Abortion Bans

Watch the November 8 livestream of testimony by the Center and its partners at the IACHR’s public hearing examining the grave human rights violations resulting from the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

Abortion, SRHR General,Latin America & Caribbean, United States, Inter-American Human Rights System,Engaging Policymakers, Around the World, Reporting on Rights,Story

The Latin American Green Wave Takes Los Angeles

Center and movement partners lead activities to bring attention to reproductive rights issues in Latin America.

Abortion, SRHR General,Latin America & Caribbean, Inter-American Human Rights System,In the Courts,News

In Ruling by Inter-American Court of Human Rights, New Legal Protections for Pregnant Women

In case involving the death of a pregnant woman in Argentina, Court requires states across Latin America to adopt policies to prevent obstetric violence.

Maternal Health, Access to Quality Care,Latin America & Caribbean, Argentina, Accountability Bodies, Inter-American Human Rights System,In the Courts,Story

El Salvador debe acelerar implementación de la Sentencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos sobre emergencias obstétricas

Un año después de la sentencia en el caso de Manuela, no se identifican acciones definitivas del Estado para proteger a las mujeres y resguardar el secreto profesional médico. En El Salvador, entre los años [...]

Abortion,El Salvador, Inter-American Human Rights System,In the Courts,News

Across Borders: How International and Regional Reproductive Rights Cases Influence Jurisprudence Worldwide

This report by the Center analyzes the legal influence of six landmark cases on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) around the world.

SRHR General,Accountability Bodies, Inter-American Human Rights System, European Human Rights System, United Nations,Publications

Reproductive rights are human rights.

Help us ensure that every government around the world guarantees them.