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The Scars of Torture card link

The Scars of Torture

The Scars of Torture After a woman suffers painful and terrifying complications during the last hours of childbirth, the worst is usually over for her. That wasn't the case for Maimuna, one of scores of [...]

Maternal Health, Access to Quality Care,Africa, Kenya,Engaging Policymakers, Around the World,News

Going on Offense

Going on Offense On Capitol Hill, in the space of just a few hours, it's possible to witness some of the ugliest hostility toward women's reproductive rights in close proximity to the inspired conviction of [...]

Abortion, Adolescent SRHR, Contraception, Funding for Reproductive Healthcare, Maternal Health,United States,Engaging Policymakers, In Washington D.C.,News

Extremism in Overdrive

Extremism in Overdrive As the director of the Red River Women's Clinic in Fargo, the only reproductive health care provider still offering abortion care in the entire state of North Dakota, Tammi Kromenaker is used [...]

Abortion, Legal Restrictions,United States,In the Courts,News

Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest, et al. v. State of Alaska

(REVISED 5.23.2018) In 2007, the Alaska Supreme Court ruled that a law challenged by the Center for Reproductive Rights, which would have required minors under 17 to have parental consent or a court order to [...]

Abortion, Anti-Choice Harassment, Legal Restrictions, Adolescent SRHR,United States,In the Courts,Case

Isaacson v. Horne

This is a federal court challenge to an Arizona law, passed in 2012, that prohibits abortions beginning at 20 weeks (measured from the date of fertilization). Filing date: 7/12/2012 State: Arizona Plaintiff(s): Paul A. Isaacson, [...]

Abortion, Legal Restrictions,United States,In the Courts,Case

ACS Reproductive Rights and Justice Award

ACS Reproductive Rights and Justice Award On June 13, 2013, the Center for Reproductive Rights, in partnership with the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy (ACS), presented the first annual ACS Reproductive Rights and [...]

Abortion, Adolescent SRHR, Contraception, Funding for Reproductive Healthcare, Maternal Health,United States,News

Ireland’s Law a Modest Step Forward

Ireland’s Law a Modest Step Forward Technically, abortion has been legal in Ireland for two decades, but under extremely narrow circumstances. In practical terms, though, legal exceptions to a near total ban on abortion were [...]

Abortion, Legal Protections, Legal Restrictions, Other Barriers,Europe, Ireland,Engaging Policymakers, Around the World, Reporting on Rights,News

Gender and Sexuality in Latin America: A Casebook

Launching Gender and Sexuality in Latin America The Center is thrilled to launch Gender and Sexuality in Latin America - Cases and Decisions, an English language translation of La Mirada de los Jueces: Género y Sexualidad [...]

Adolescent SRHR,Latin America & Caribbean,News

Reproductive rights are human rights.

Help us ensure that every government around the world guarantees them.

El Salvador’s Disgrace card link

El Salvador’s Disgrace

El Salvador’s Disgrace The Center’s president and CEO, Nancy Northup, reflects on the agonizing plight of an El Salvadoran woman known publicly as Beatriz, who for many weeks has faced the risk of death and [...]

Abortion, Legal Restrictions, Maternal Health, Maternal Mortality,Latin America & Caribbean, El Salvador,Engaging Policymakers, Around the World, In the States (USA), Reporting on Rights,News

Affordable Contraception on Trial

Affordable Contraception on Trial The 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act included a mandate for employers to provide copay-free contraception to its workers, effectively putting birth control within the reach of millions more women—and [...]

Contraception, Funding for Reproductive Healthcare,United States,Engaging Policymakers, In Washington D.C., Reporting on Rights,News

An Open Letter to President Obama

An Open Letter to President Obama Dear President Obama: You made a promise to the women of the United States last year on the campaign trail—and just a few weeks ago, you said it again: [...]


No Relief in Ireland

No Relief in Ireland When Amanda Kellet and James Burke went to a Dublin hospital for their 21-week ultrasound, they were looking forward to finding out whether they were having a boy or a girl. [...]

Abortion, Legal Restrictions, Other Barriers,Europe, Ireland,Reporting on Rights,News

El Comité de Derechos Humanos critica a Perú por su ley de aborto altamente restrictiva

El Comité de Derechos Humanos critica a Perú por su ley de aborto altamente restrictiva El Comité de Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas recientemente criticó a Perú por una amplia gama de violaciones de [...]


Reproductive rights are human rights.

Help us ensure that every government around the world guarantees them.