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Calculated Injustice: The Slovak Republic’s Failure to Ensure Access to Contraceptives card link

Calculated Injustice: The Slovak Republic’s Failure to Ensure Access to Contraceptives

Women and adolescent girls in Slovakia face numerous barriers to accessing modern contraceptives and contraceptive information. Because contraceptives are not covered by public health insurance, their users must pay the full price out of pocket. [...]

Europe, Slovakia,Engaging Policymakers, Around the World, Reporting on Rights,Publications

Reproductive Rights are Human Rights (Russian Edition)

Download the Russian edition of Reproductive Rights are Human Rights below. Права-это-Правa.pdf

Abortion, Anti-Choice Harassment, Legal Protections, Contraception, Legal Protections, Maternal Health, Access to Quality Care, Maternal Mortality,Europe, Russia, Accountability Bodies, Inter-American Human Rights System, European Human Rights System, United Nations,Engaging Policymakers, Around the World, Reporting on Rights,Publications

A.S. v. Hungary: Informed Consent: A Signature is Not Enough

A.S., a Hungarian woman of Roma origin, underwent surgery at a public hospital in connection with a miscarriage. Minutes after being admitted to the hospital in a “state of shock” and while on the operating [...]

Maternal Health, Coercive Policies,Europe, Hungary,In the Courts, Engaging Policymakers, Around the World,Publications

Tysiąc v. Poland: Ensuring Effective Access to Legal Abortion

Alicja Tysiąc, a Polish woman, was suffering from severe myopia. Pregnant for the third time, she consulted three ophthalmologists who concluded that carrying the pregnancy to term constituted a serious risk to her eyesight. While [...]

Abortion, Right to Care, Maternal Health, Access to Quality Care,Europe, Poland,In the Courts, Engaging Policymakers, Around the World,Publications

World Abortion Laws 2009 Fact Sheet

Currently, 61% of the world's people live in countries where induced abortion is permitted either for a wide range of reasons or without restriction as to reason. In contrast, about 26% of all people reside [...]

Abortion,Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America & Caribbean, United States,Reporting on Rights,Publications

Slovakia: Access to Contraceptives – The Social and Economic Benefits and Role in Achieving Gender Equality

The Center is working with its partners in Slovakia to advocate for the government to provide subsidized access to contraceptives for the most vulnerable populations. This fact sheet details Slovakia's obligations under international and European [...]

Contraception, Funding for Reproductive Healthcare, Public Funding,Europe, Slovakia, Accountability Bodies, European Human Rights System,At the United Nations, Engaging Policymakers, Around the World,Publications

Slovakia: European Standards on Subsidizing Contraceptives

The Center is working with its partners in Slovakia to advocate for the government to provide subsidized access to contraceptives for the most vulnerable populations. This fact sheet details Slovakia's obligations under international and European [...]

Contraception, Funding for Reproductive Healthcare, Public Funding,Europe, Slovakia, Accountability Bodies, European Human Rights System,At the United Nations, Engaging Policymakers, Around the World,Publications

Slovakia: Setting the Record Straight on Contraceptives

The Center is working with its partners in Slovakia to advocate for the government to provide subsidized access to contraceptives for the most vulnerable populations. This fact sheet details Slovakia's obligations under international and European [...]

Contraception, Funding for Reproductive Healthcare, Public Funding,Europe, Slovakia, Accountability Bodies, European Human Rights System,At the United Nations, Engaging Policymakers, Around the World,Publications

Reproductive rights are human rights.

Help us ensure that every government around the world guarantees them.

Slovakia: International Standards on Subsidizing Contraceptives

The Center is working with its partners in Slovakia to advocate for the government to provide subsidized access to contraceptives for the most vulnerable populations. This fact sheet details Slovakia's obligations under international and European [...]

Contraception, Funding for Reproductive Healthcare, Public Funding,Europe, Slovakia, Accountability Bodies, European Human Rights System,At the United Nations, Engaging Policymakers, Around the World,Publications

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM): Legal Prohibitions Worldwide

What is FGM? Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is the collective name given to a number of cultural practices that involve the partial or total cutting of female genitals. FGM can be performed as early as [...]

Adolescent SRHR, Female Genital Mutilation,Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America & Caribbean, United States,Reporting on Rights,Publications

World Abortion Laws 2008 Fact Sheet

Currently, over 60% of the world's people live in countries where induced abortion is permitted either for a wide range of reasons or without restriction as to reason. In contrast, about 26% of all people [...]

Abortion,Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America & Caribbean, United States,Reporting on Rights,Publications

An International Human Right: Sexuality Education for Adolescents in Schools

An International Human Right: Sexuality Education for Adolescents in Schools

Adolescent SRHR, Sex Education,Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America & Caribbean, United States,Reporting on Rights,Publications

Religious Voices Worldwide Support Choice

Abortion,Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America & Caribbean, United States,Reporting on Rights,Publications

Reproductive rights are human rights.

Help us ensure that every government around the world guarantees them.