Slovakia: European Standards on Subsidizing Contraceptives
The Center is working with its partners in Slovakia to advocate for the government to provide subsidized access to contraceptives for the most vulnerable populations. This fact sheet details Slovakia’s obligations under international and European standards to provide access to contraceptives. They also explain the social and economic benefits of contraceptive use and debunk common myths around oral contraceptives.
From the fact sheet:
This factsheet offers an overview of European standards on the subsidization of contraceptives. First, it focuses on the guidance provided to Slovakia and other Member States by two regional bodies — the European Union and the Council of Europe. Second, it provides information on the approaches that numerous Member States of the European Union have taken to the subsidization of contraceptives.
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Other Fact Sheets in the Series:
Slovakia: International Standards on Subsidizing Contraceptives >,
Slovakia: Setting the Record Straight on Contraceptives >,