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Desperately Seeking Care: Six Months of Texas’s Extreme Abortion Ban card link

Desperately Seeking Care: Six Months of Texas’s Extreme Abortion Ban

Panic and chaos as patients are turned away in droves.

Abortion, Legal Restrictions,United States,In the Courts, Reporting on Rights,Story

With its Regression on Abortion Rights, the U.S. is a Global Outlier

The United States is one of only four countries that has rolled back abortion rights since 1994.

Abortion,Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America & Caribbean, United States, Global,Reporting on Rights,News

Roe at 49: Will the U.S. Supreme Court Allow More States to Ban Abortion?

As the Court allows Texas to end most abortion access, almost half the U.S. states are ready to ban abortion if Roe is gutted.

Abortion,United States,Reporting on Rights,Story

Abortion Is Now Illegal in 11 U.S. States

State bans have left millions without access to abortion care.

Abortion, Legal Restrictions,United States,Reporting on Rights,News

The European Parliament Expresses Concern About Backsliding on Reproductive Rights in the United States

06.09.2022 (PRESS RELEASE) -- In a resolution on global threats to abortion rights adopted today by a large majority, the European Parliament expressed serious concern about the potential eradication of constitutional rights protection for abortion [...]

Abortion,Europe, United States,Reporting on Rights,Press Releases

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