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Marea Verde pide aborto voluntario desde Los Ángeles card link

Marea Verde pide aborto voluntario desde Los Ángeles

Múltiples notas de prensa cubrieron las actividades realizadas por el Centro y la Marea Verde en Los Ángeles, en conmemoración del 8 de marzo, y en el marco del Período de Sesiones de la Comisión [...]

Center in the Spotlight

Five Women Denied Abortions Sue Texas

Broadcast highlights reporting on the Center's new lawsuit against Texas.

Center in the Spotlight

Five Women Sue Texas Over the State’s Abortion Ban

Media coverage of Zurawski v. State of Texas, a lawsuit filed by the Center on behalf of five Texas women.

Center in the Spotlight

Give sex abuse victims access to abortion, other services

Read an op-ed in Nation by the Center's Prudence Mutiso, Martin Onyango, and Timothy Thondu.

Center in the Spotlight

Here’s how to stop deaths of pregnant girls, women

Read an op-ed in The Star by the Center's Betty Odallo.

Center in the Spotlight
Causa Justa: A Historic Year for Women’s Freedom and Autonomy (Causa Justa: un año histórico para la libertad y autonomía de las mujeres) card link

Causa Justa: A Historic Year for Women’s Freedom and Autonomy (Causa Justa: un año histórico para la libertad y autonomía de las mujeres)

Read an op-ed in El País by the Center's Catalina Martínez Coral.

Center in the Spotlight

U.S. abortion rights groups and law firms launch legal defense network

Media coverage of the launch of the Abortion Defense Network, a program to provide access to abortion-related legal resources.

Center in the Spotlight

Her baby has a deadly diagnosis. Her Florida doctors refused an abortion.

Interim Director of Litigation Autumn Katz was interviewed for this Washington Post article.

Center in the Spotlight

Reproductive rights are human rights.

Help us ensure that every government around the world guarantees them.

Texas judge could end access to abortion medication mifepristone nationwide card link

Texas judge could end access to abortion medication mifepristone nationwide

In an interview with MSNBC, President and CEO Nancy Northup discusses the lawsuit filed against the FDA to remove an abortion medication in all 50 states.

Center in the Spotlight

A Texas judge could force a major abortion pill off the market

Senior Counsel Jenny Ma was interviewed for this piece by NPR.

Center in the Spotlight

The Connection Between Fertility Treatments and the Overturning of Roe v. Wade

Senior Human Rights Counsel Karla Torres was interviewed for this piece in Vogue.

Assisted Reproduction,Center in the Spotlight

On Roe’s 50th Anniversary, Center CEO Discusses Legal Battlefield

Northup sees stronger protections in some states while warning about the push by anti-abortion advocates for a federal abortion ban.

Abortion,United States,Reporting on Rights,News

Backlash against anti-abortion laws produces new legal strategies, more secure rights

In an interview with MSNBC, President and CEO Nancy Northup discusses the state of U.S. abortion rights on the 50th anniversary of Roe v. Wade.

Center in the Spotlight

Reproductive rights are human rights.

Help us ensure that every government around the world guarantees them.