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El Derecho a la Vida de Quién? Derechos de las mujeres y protecciones prenatales en el derecho internacional de los derechos humanos y el derecho comparado

El derecho a la vida es un derecho humano fundamental que resulta esencial para el goce de los demás derechos humanos. El derecho internacional de los derechos humanos reconoce la existencia de este derecho a [...]

Abortion,Latin America & Caribbean,Documents

Perú reabra la investigación penal sobre los casos de esterilizaciones forzadas

Perú reabra la investigación penal sobre los casos de esterilizaciones forzadas El gobierno peruano reabrirá la investigación penal sobre las esterilizaciones forzadas ocurridas en la década de los noventa, de acuerdo a una decisión del [...]

Maternal Health,Latin America & Caribbean,News

Perú Reopens Criminal Investigation Into Mass Forced Sterilizations

Perú Reopens Criminal Investigation Into Mass Forced Sterilizations (PRESS RELEASE) The Peruvian government will reopen its criminal investigation into the forced sterilization of hundreds of thousands of women and men in the 1990s—according to a [...]

Contraception,Latin America & Caribbean, Peru,Engaging Policymakers, Around the World, Reporting on Rights,News

La interrupción voluntaria del embarazo como derecho fundamental

Esta hoja informativa presenta los argumentos de derecho constitucional que se han empleado en siete casos decididos alrededor del mundo (Alemania, Canadá, Portugal, Brasil, Colombia, México y Argentina), para despenalizar la interrupción del embarazo bajo [...]

Abortion,Latin America & Caribbean,Documents

Honduras: Sexual Violence and Total Bans on Emergency Contraception and Abortion

Honduras es uno de los países más violentos del mundo, en donde se registra una de las cifras de violencia sexual más alta contra las mujeres. Actualmente, las leyes y políticas en Honduras criminalizan de [...]

Abortion, Contraception,Latin America & Caribbean,Documents

L.C. vs. Perú (CEDAW): Derecho al Aborto en Casos de Violencia Sexual

Desde 1924 el aborto terapéutico es legal en Perú. Sin embargo, el acceso de las mujeres a los servicios de salud reproductiva presenta un amplio número de dificultades. El aborto sigue siendo ilegal en los [...]

Abortion,Latin America & Caribbean,Documents

Paola Guzmán Albarracín v. Ecuador (Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos)

Paola, una adolescente de 16 años, fue víctima de abuso y acoso sexual por parte del Vicerrector del colegio público donde estudiaba. En el año 2002, ella aseguró haber quedado embarazada y ser presionada por [...]

Abortion,Latin America & Caribbean,Documents

El Salvador Must Respond to Charges of Human Rights Violations Related to Woman’s Imprisonment and Death Under Criminal Abortion Ban

El Salvador Must Respond to Charges of Human Rights Violations Related to Woman’s Imprisonment Under Abortion Ban Inter-American Commission on Human Rights Demands Response to Petition Filed By Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice Organizations (PRESS [...]

Abortion,Latin America & Caribbean, El Salvador,Engaging Policymakers, Around the World, Reporting on Rights,News

Reproductive rights are human rights.

Help us ensure that every government around the world guarantees them.

Dominican Republic Abortion Law Debated in Supreme Court

Dominican Republic Abortion Law Debated in Supreme Court (PRESS RELEASE) Despite progress made by the Dominican Republic last year decriminalizing abortion in limited circumstances, the Supreme Court will hold a judicial hearing today to discuss [...]

Abortion,Latin America & Caribbean,Engaging Policymakers, Around the World, Reporting on Rights,News

El Salvador Releases One Woman Wrongfully Imprisoned, But Refuses to Pardon 15 Others

El Salvador Releases One Woman Wrongfully Imprisoned, But Refuses to Pardon 15 Others (PRESS RELEASE) On the same day local advocates celebrate the official release of “Guadalupe”—a rape survivor who became pregnant, suffered an obstetric [...]

Abortion,Latin America & Caribbean, El Salvador,Engaging Policymakers, Around the World, Reporting on Rights,News

President Bachelet Introduces Legislation to Decriminalize Abortion in Chile

President Bachelet Introduces Legislation to Decriminalize Abortion in Chile (PRESS RELEASE) President Michelle Bachelet of Chile introduced a bill Saturday that would allow women access to safe and legal abortion services in cases of sexual violence, fetal [...]

Abortion, Legal Protections,Latin America & Caribbean, Chile,Engaging Policymakers, Around the World, Reporting on Rights,News

El Salvador Issues Pardon of Woman Wrongfully Imprisoned for Pregnancy Complications

El Salvador Issues Pardon of Woman Wrongfully Imprisoned for Pregnancy Complications After a failed vote last week, Salvadoran Congress approves pardon for woman serving a 30 year sentence as a result of country’s extreme abortion [...]

Abortion,Latin America & Caribbean, El Salvador,Engaging Policymakers, Around the World, Reporting on Rights,News

Salvadoran Woman Wrongfully Imprisoned for Pregnancy-Related Complications Denied Pardon

Salvadoran Woman Wrongfully Imprisoned for Pregnancy-Related Complications Denied Pardon (PRESS RELEASE) El Salvador’s Congress has denied freedom to “Guadalupe,” a rape survivor who became pregnant, suffered an obstetric emergency and was wrongfully convicted of and imprisoned [...]

Abortion,Latin America & Caribbean, El Salvador,Engaging Policymakers, Around the World, Reporting on Rights,News

Reproductive rights are human rights.

Help us ensure that every government around the world guarantees them.