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Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to Hold Hearing on Rights Violations of U.S. Abortion Bans card link

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to Hold Hearing on Rights Violations of U.S. Abortion Bans

Watch the November 8 livestream of testimony by the Center and its partners at the IACHR’s public hearing examining the grave human rights violations resulting from the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

Abortion, SRHR General,Latin America & Caribbean, United States, Inter-American Human Rights System,Engaging Policymakers, Around the World, Reporting on Rights,Story

Inter-American Court of Human Rights Orders El Salvador Government to Allow Pregnant Woman with Critical Complications Access to Life-saving Health Care

IACHR Orders El Salvador Government to Allow Pregnant Woman Access to Life-Saving Health Care (PRESS RELEASE) Just hours after the Salvadoran Supreme Court denied a potentially life-saving abortion for a woman with serious complications in [...]

Abortion,Latin America & Caribbean, El Salvador, Accountability Bodies, Inter-American Human Rights System,In the Courts,News

Center for Reproductive Rights Applauds Landmark Abortion Decision by European Court of Human Rights

Court finds Poland in violation of human rights and awards EUR 25,000 in case of woman left nearly blind. March 20, 2007 - The European Court of Human Rights held today, for the first time, [...]

Abortion, Other Barriers,Europe, Poland,In the Courts,News

Amicus Work: Europe

Application by Sarah Jane Eware for Judicial Review (Reference No: 2018/60061/01) High Court of Northern Ireland (2019) Issue: Prohibition and criminalization of abortion. Center’s position: The prohibition and criminalization of abortion in Northern Ireland violated [...]

Europe,Case Document

RH Reality Check: Silence and Denial Don’t Work: Ireland, Malta, the European Union and the Lessons of Savita’s Death

RH Reality Check: Silence and Denial Don't Work: Ireland, Malta, the European Union and the Lessons of Savita's Death by Johanna Westeson, Regional Director for Europe at the Center for Reproductive Rights Much has been [...]

Abortion, Legal Restrictions, Other Barriers, Maternal Health, Maternal Mortality,Europe, Ireland,Reporting on Rights,Center in the Spotlight

New Legislation Introduced in Ireland Would Provide Needed Clarity on Legal Abortion For Women Suffering Life-Threatening Conditions

New Legislation in Ireland Would Provide Clarity on Legal Abortion For Women Suffering Life-Threatening Conditions (PRESS RELEASE) The Irish government published yesterday the first outline of new abortion legislation aimed at providing doctors and individuals [...]

Abortion,Europe, Ireland,In the Courts,News

The European Parliament Expresses Concern About Backsliding on Reproductive Rights in the United States

06.09.2022 (PRESS RELEASE) -- In a resolution on global threats to abortion rights adopted today by a large majority, the European Parliament expressed serious concern about the potential eradication of constitutional rights protection for abortion [...]

Abortion,Europe, United States,Reporting on Rights,Press Releases

CIDH escuchó impactantes testimonios sobre los efectos de la prohibición del aborto en Estados Unidos

La Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos realizó su primera audiencia sobre acceso al aborto en Estados Unidos, desde que la Corte Suprema revocó la protección federal constitucional al derecho al aborto en ese país.

United States, Inter-American Human Rights System,Press Releases

Reproductive rights are human rights.

Help us ensure that every government around the world guarantees them.

Despite Country’s Own Laws, Costa Rica Continues to Deny Women Legal Abortion

Despite Country’s Own Laws, Costa Rica Continues to Deny Women Legal Abortion Center for Reproductive Rights brings second case of human rights violations in Costa Rica to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (PRESS RELEASE) [...]

Abortion, Legal Restrictions,Latin America & Caribbean, Costa Rica, Accountability Bodies, Inter-American Human Rights System,In the Courts,News

Joint Statement issued by Center for Reproductive Rights, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, International Planned Parenthood Federation European Network

Joint Statement on Restrictive Legislation in Slovakia As members of Slovakia’s parliament debate proposed legislation that, if enacted, will potentially impede women’s access to abortion services, Amnesty International, Center for Reproductive Rights, Human Rights Watch [...]

Legal Restrictions,Slovakia,Around the World,News

A Most Basic Right

A first-ever ruling from the UN’s principal human rights body calls for swift and comprehensive reform to Ireland’s merciless abortion laws. At 21 weeks pregnant, when Amanda Mellet was told the fetus she was carrying [...]

Abortion, Legal Restrictions,Europe, Ireland,At the United Nations,News

Reproductive rights are human rights.

Help us ensure that every government around the world guarantees them.