U.S. Congressional Advocacy
The Center for Reproductive Rights advocates for federal laws and policies to advance reproductive health, rights, and access for all.
On Capitol Hill, our legal experts and legislative strategists are leading efforts to create and advance progressive public policies to strengthen reproductive rights and access for generations to come—from assuring equitable spending in health care to promoting nationwide protections for access to abortion, safe and respectful maternal health care, assisted reproductive technologies like IVF, contraception, and other critical reproductive care.
Our federal policy and advocacy staff are go-to voices on the Hill for sharp analysis and counsel when it comes to reproductive rights in the courts and in policy development. The Center spearheads efforts to push forward proactive legislation, provides technical assistance in legislative drafting and strategy, submits testimony for the congressional record, hosts congressional briefings on policy issues and legislation, helps prepare expert witnesses for congressional hearings, and educates and empowers members of Congress and their staff to take action to champion reproductive health and rights.
Key Facts
House co-sponsors of the Women’s Health Protection Act, March 2023.
Congressional hearings in the 116th Congress about the need to defend and advance abortion access.
Women denied a wanted abortion are four times more likely to end up below the federal poverty line than women who succeeded in getting one.
Work Highlights
Explore highlights of the Center’s U.S. Congressional advocacy.
Legislation to re-establish a nationwide right to abortion in the United States.
Ending the Hyde Amendment and other economic barriers to abortion access.
Legislation to promote safe and respectful maternal health care and reduce racial disparities in care.
Action Center and Resources
Trump Presidency Poses Grave Threats to Reproductive Freedoms
Anti-rights agenda risks progress made on gender equality, reproductive rights, and access to health care.
Serving Those Who Serve? Barriers to Reproductive Health Care for Military Servicemembers and Veterans
Three issue briefs focusing on the unique barriers United States servicemembers and veterans face in accessing reproductive health care–including abortion care, contraception, and in vitro fertilization (IVF) services.
After Roe Fell: Abortion Laws by State
Abortion is now illegal in a large swath of the U.S. Examine abortion laws and policies with this valuable tool.