Center Panel to Discuss Global Impact of U.S. Abortion Regression
Register today for the January 31 virtual dialogue featuring global health and rights experts.

The regression of abortion rights and access in the United States can have a far-reaching impact on policies in countries around the world. On Monday, January 31, the Center for Reproductive Rights will convene a dialogue with international reproductive health, legal, human rights experts to examine those global implications.
Watch the replay here.
The virtual panel, at 9:00 AM – 10:30 EST, is free and open to the public. Pre-registration is required; register here.
The Center’s panel, “Global Dialogue on Impacts of U.S. Regression in Abortion Access,” will examine U.S. abortion bans and resrictions and the cases challenging them in a global context.
Speakers and panelists include:
- Nancy Northup, Center President and CEO, opening remarks.
- Enid Muthoni Ndiga, the Center’s Senior Vice President of the Global Legal Program, moderator.
- Dr. Tlaleng Mofokeng, UN Special Rapporteur on Health, and the lead amici in the United Nations Mandate Holders brief in the Center’s recent Supreme Court case, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.
- Michele Bratcher Goodwin, a Chancellor’s Professor at the University of California, Irvine, and founding director of the Center for Biotechnology and Global Health Policy. Goodwin is also an elected member of the American Law Institute.
- Giselle Carino is the CEO of Fόs Feminista, an international alliance of over 135 organizations active in the sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice space.
In the U.S., states enacted more abortion restrictions in 2021 than any other year since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973. The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to block Texas’s abortion ban and vigilante scheme that has ended most abortion access in the state, and this spring it will rule on the constitutionality of a Mississippi abortion ban enacted as a direct challenge to Roe.
Find out the latest about the global implications of these regressive policies at this January 31 event. Register now!
Event details:
- Global Dialogue on Impacts of US Regression in Abortion Access
- Monday, January 31 @ 9:00 – 10:30 AM New York/9-10:30 Lima/15:00-16:30 Geneva/17:00-18:30 Kampala/19:45-21:15 Kathmandu
- Register here.
- English, Spanish, and French interpretations available, as well as English closed captioning.
View event invitations in English, French or Spanish:
Dialogue sur l’impact mondial de la régression dans l’accès à l’avorement aux Etats-Unis (FRENCH)
Diálogo sobre el impacto global del retroceso en el acceso al aborto en Estados Unidos (SPANISH)