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The Center’s Nancy Northup Discusses “Patently Absurd” Alabama IVF Ruling card link

The Center’s Nancy Northup Discusses “Patently Absurd” Alabama IVF Ruling

In an interview with Kaitlan Collins on CNN, the Center's President and CEO highlights the damaging implications of the Alabama Supreme Court's ruling recognizing embryos as children.

Assisted Reproduction, IVF,United States,Reporting on Rights,Center in the Spotlight

Arizona Law Granting “Personhood” to Fetuses Blocked in Court

07.11.2022 (PRESS RELEASE) – Today, a federal district court granted a request by Arizona abortion providers, physicians, and advocacy groups to prevent a 2021 law that grants “personhood” rights to fetuses, embryos, and fertilized eggs [...]

Abortion, Embryo Personhood and Custody,United States,In the Courts,News

Center Releases 2022 State Legislative Wrap-up

Report shows stark contrast in lawmakers’ priorities: U.S. states attacking abortion rights failed to safeguard maternal health and fertility care; states protecting abortion rights acted to improve care.

Abortion, Assisted Reproduction, Maternal Health,United States,Engaging Policymakers, In the States (USA),Story

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