Tulsa World: Clinics file suit against state anti-abortion law
By Shannon Muchmore
“Reproductive Services in Tulsa and the Oklahoma Coalition for Reproductive Justice filed a legal challenge late Wednesday to a state law that restricts the use of abortion-inducing drugs.
The organizations are being represented by the New York-based Center for Reproductive Rights, which has also challenged a law that would require a woman seeking an abortion to have an ultrasound within an hour of the procedure and have the results explained to her. House Bill 1970, the law restricting access to abortion-inducing drugs, including RU-486, would require physicians to give the drugs in accordance with U.S. Food and Drug Administration rules instead of recommendations by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. After being approved by the Legislature and signed into law in the past session, it is set to become law Nov. 1. The Center for Reproductive Services maintains that the law is poorly written and would be a detriment to women’s health. ‘The law jeopardizes women’s health and compromises their rights,’ said Michelle Movahed, an attorney with the Center for Reproductive Rights. The center won a temporary injunction against a similar law in North Dakota this year and is hoping for the same outcome in Oklahoma, she said.” Read the complete story on the Tulsa World website >,