Tag: Kenya

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Victory in Kenya: Court of Appeal Affirms Right to Respectful Maternal Health Care

Court issues sweeping decision in Center’s case of pregnant woman physically and verbally abused by hospital staff and left to deliver on a concrete floor.

Pregnant Woman Forced to Deliver on Hospital Floor Wins Appeal in Landmark Case

Affirming the Right to Respectful Maternal Health Care in Kenya 

Kenya Court of Appeal Expected to Issue Judgment Soon in Case of Pregnant Woman Abused by Hospital Staff and Forced to Deliver on Hospital Floor

The Center is defending a 2018 judgment recognizing that the neglect and abuse of women seeking maternity health services are rights violations under the Kenyan Constitution and international law.

Kenyan Court Exonerates Health Care Provider and Mother of Adolescent Girl from Abortion Charges

Case’s dismissal aligns with earlier rulings that abortion is a health care right under the Kenyan Constitution.

Center Continues Work to Enforce the Constitutional Right to Abortion in Kenya 

Hearing being today in case concerning the unjust prosecution of a health care provider and the mother of an adolescent girl treated for serious pregnancy complications.

Center and Partners Strategize to Ensure Access to Abortion Care in Kenya

Despite court victories and constitutional protections guaranteeing access to abortion and reproductive health care, many Kenyans continue to face barriers.

Give sex abuse victims access to abortion, other services

Read an op-ed in Nation by the Center's Prudence Mutiso, Martin Onyango, and Timothy Thondu.

Here’s how to stop deaths of pregnant girls, women

Read an op-ed in The Star by the Center's Betty Odallo.

Civil Society Organizations Call on Kenyan County and National Governments to Improve Maternal Health Policies

February 7, 2023 — The Center and its partners released this statement in response to recent instances of physical and emotional abuse and medical negligence involving maternal health care in Kenya.