Tag: High Court of Kenya

Addressing Disrespect and Abuse in Maternal Health Care Facilities in Kenya

The Center for Reproductive Rights secured a win in two landmark cases that sought to hold the government of Kenya accountable for the detention, disrespect and abuse of women seeking maternal health services in public health care facilities. In 2015, the High Court of Kenya held that the detention of Maimuna and Margaret (petitioners) in Pumwani Maternity Hospital—the […]

Abortion Ban Leads to Death Sentence for Kenyan Nurse

Abortion Ban Leads to Death Sentence for Kenyan Nurse https://reproductiverights.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Featured-Story_Kenya_Nurse3.jpg As detailed in a piece this month from Mother Jones, Kenya has recently sentenced a licensed, registered nurse from Nairobi—Jackson Tali—to death after a teenaged girl suffering from a botched abortion sought his medical assistance and died in his care. Tali’s high-stakes case has attracted […]

Case Of Pregnant Woman Beaten And Denied Care At Local Hospital Brought To Kenyan High Court

Case Of Pregnant Woman Beaten And Denied Care At Local Hospital Brought To Kenyan High Court (PRESS RELEASE) The case of Josephine Majani, whose story of being physically and verbally abused by nurses and repeatedly denied quality medical care at Bungoma District Hospital was widely covered by Kenyan news outlets last year, has now been […]

CRR Case on Unlawful Detention of Women in Maternity Hospitals in the High Court of Kenya

CRR Files Case on Unlawful Detention of Women in Maternity Hospitals in Kenya (PRESS RELEASE) Today the Center for Reproductive Rights filed a case before the High Court of Kenya on behalf of two women who were illegally detained in Pumwani Maternity Hospital in Nairobi for their inability to provide full payment for maternal health […]

African Women Still Not Getting Justice in National Courts, New Report Finds

(PRESS RELEASE) Today, the Center for Reproductive Rights announced new research finding that national courts in African Commonwealth countries have failed to fully protect women against human rights violations, particularly in cases of sexual violence, marital disputes and child custody. Volume II of Legal Grounds: Reproductive and Sexual Rights in African Commonwealth Courts, an analysis […]