Regulating Women’s Bodies, Violating Women’s Rights: Criminal Legislation that Contravenes the Beijing Platform for Action
CSW ORAL SUBMISSION, 54th Session March 1 – 12, 2010
Supporting Organizations: The Center for Reproductive Rights, Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, Catholics for Choice, Center for Health and Gender Equity (CHANGE), Fundación para Estudio e Investigación (FEIM), International AIDS Women’s Caucus, International Women’s Health Coalition, Ipas, International Planned Parenthood Federation and World Population Foundation
Distinguished Commission Members: I speak on behalf of a coalition of NGOs committed to advancing the Beijing Platform for Action (PFA). In the last fifteen years, we have seen the enactment of laws and policies that promote and protect women’s human rights. However, we are deeply concerned at an alarming global trend of laws that explicitly target and/or directly or indirectly impact women’s right to control their sexuality and reproduction. Through such legislation, women’s rights are being violated and traditional gender norms are being reinforced, with governments strictly policing women’s bodies and choices. These laws contravene the Beijing PFA and international human rights conventions such as CEDAW. This submission briefly addresses the human rights implications of legislation criminalizing access to abortion and emergency contraception, and HIV exposure and transmission.
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