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Why Ending Child Marriage is a Critical Part of the Post-2015 Development Agenda

Why Ending Child Marriage is a Critical Part of the Post-2015 Development Agenda Melissa Upreti Twenty-five thousand children worldwide, most of whom are girls, are married every day.  While many countries have laws that clearly [...]

Adolescent SRHR,Asia, Nepal,At the United Nations,News

Spotlighting Racial Bias

In LaKeisha’s hometown of Atlanta, African American women die in childbirth at a rate more than three times the national average. Following an emergency c-section, LaKeisha experienced a brush with this unsettling statistic when she [...]

Maternal Health, Access to Quality Care, Maternal Mortality,United States, Accountability Bodies, United Nations,At the United Nations,News

Whole Woman’s Health v. Lakey: 2014 Plaintiffs’ Trial Brief at the District Court for the Western District of Texas

Abortion, Legal Restrictions, Other Barriers,United States,In the Courts,Case Document

CRR Announces New Columbia Law Fellow

CRR Announces New Columbia Law Fellow The Center is excited to announce Harvard law student Lisa Kelly as the 2014-2016 recipient of the Center for Reproductive Rights-Columbia Law School Fellowship. Lisa has been selected from [...]

United States,News

The Post’s Sobering Look at Texas

The Post’s Sobering Look at Texas Amen, Washington Post. The Post’s editorial board has written a dead-on opinion piece that breaks down the alarming trend of anti-choice legislation that is essentially undermining Roe v. Wade [...]

Abortion,United States,In the Courts, Reporting on Rights,News
TRAP: “Exceedingly Weak” card link

TRAP: “Exceedingly Weak”

TRAP: “Exceedingly Weak” Center for Reproductive Rights President and CEO Nancy Northup appeared on The Rachel Maddow Show this week to discuss extremist politicians’ ongoing efforts to aggressively push Targeted Regulations of Abortion Providers or [...]

Abortion,United States,In the Courts, Reporting on Rights,News

Trending in Texas: DIY Abortions

Trending in Texas: DIY Abortions A fascinating article from The Atlantic this month puts readers firmly on the ground in Texas, in middle of what the author calls “ground zero for state’s bitter abortion battle”—the [...]

Abortion,United States,In the Courts, Reporting on Rights,News

ReproWrites Monthly eNews Archive

Keep informed about the Center's groundbreaking cases, victories and innovative projects by signing up for ReproWrites, our monthly eNewsletter. Each issue includes timely stories, information on upcoming events and breaking news about our latest cases. [...]


Reproductive rights are human rights.

Help us ensure that every government around the world guarantees them.

Combatting Child Marriage card link

Combatting Child Marriage

Combatting Child Marriage The numbers are disturbing. According to a recent UNICEF study, one in nine girls in the developing world will marry before age 15, one in three will marry before 18. Some are [...]

Adolescent SRHR,Asia, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka,Reporting on Rights,News

Historic Hearing on the Hill

Historic Hearing on the Hill At the end of June, the Center for Reproductive Rights led an energized group of women’s health advocates to Capitol Hill to lobby for a piece of legislation called the [...]

Abortion, Legal Protections, Legal Restrictions,United States,In the Courts, Engaging Policymakers, Reporting on Rights,News

Women’s Rights Leaders Talk to Cosmo

Women’s Rights Leaders Talk to Cosmo Three prominent voices of the women’s reproductive rights movement knock it out of the park in a compelling interview over at this week. Center for Reproductive Rights president [...]

Abortion, Legal Protections, Legal Restrictions,United States,In the Courts, Engaging Policymakers, Reporting on Rights,News

Admitting that Abortion is Safe

Admitting that Abortion is Safe For years, extremist activists and politicians have offered up false science and feigned concern for women’s health as part of their strategy to limit abortion access. The safety of abortion [...]

Abortion, Anti-Choice Harassment, Definitions,United States,Engaging Policymakers, Reporting on Rights,News

NYT Editorial Endorses Women’s Health Protection Act

NYT Editorial Endorses Women's Health Protection Act On the eve of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s historic hearing on the Women’s Health Protection Act, The New York Times has published an opinion piece that endorses the [...]

Abortion, Legal Protections, Legal Restrictions,United States,In the Courts, Engaging Policymakers, Reporting on Rights,News

Reproductive rights are human rights.

Help us ensure that every government around the world guarantees them.