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In re Access to Emergency Contraception in Chile (Chilean Constitutional Court)

On April 13, 2007, the Center filed a third party intervention in support of the national reproductive health and family planning regulations authorizing the free distribution of emergency contraception (EC). The Center’s intervention was a [...]

Contraception, Emergency Contraception,Latin America & Caribbean, Chile,In the Courts,Case

In re Access to Emergency Contraception in Ecuador / Amici (Constitutional Tribunal of Ecuador)

In 2005, anti-choice organizations in Ecuador filed a suit to outlaw emergency contraception, alleging that EC violates the right to life as established in the Ecuadorian constitution. As a result of their lawsuit, a lower [...]

Contraception, Emergency Contraception,Latin America & Caribbean, Ecuador,In the Courts,Case

In re Access to Emergency Contraception in Colombia (amicus brief) (Colombian Council of State)

On June 5, 2008, in a landmark decision, the Colombian Council of State ruled against anti-choice groups' efforts to ban emergency contraception. The court found that emergency contraception, commonly known as the "morning-after pill," is [...]

Contraception, Emergency Contraception,Latin America & Caribbean, Colombia,In the Courts,Case

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