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Forced to Surrender

Forced to Surrender A New Orleans medical clinic had no choice but to close after a withering, years-long attack by the government designed to stop abortions. Maria Couevas is anything but a quitter. The facts [...]

Abortion, Legal Restrictions,United States,News

State Judge Blocks ND Law Designed to Close Only Abortion Clinic in the State

State Judge Blocks ND Law Designed to Close Only Abortion Clinic in the State (PRESS RELEASE) A state judge ruled today that North Dakota state officials cannot enforce a law designed to shut down the [...]

Abortion, Legal Restrictions, Funding for Reproductive Healthcare,United States,In the Courts,News

Despite Country’s Own Laws, Costa Rica Continues to Deny Women Legal Abortion

Despite Country’s Own Laws, Costa Rica Continues to Deny Women Legal Abortion Center for Reproductive Rights brings second case of human rights violations in Costa Rica to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (PRESS RELEASE) [...]

Abortion, Legal Restrictions,Latin America & Caribbean, Costa Rica, Accountability Bodies, Inter-American Human Rights System,In the Courts,News


2013’s Biggest Moments The past year gave us landmark victories, unprecedented hostility from the opposition, and historic legislation that could end the madness. Despite the absence of bumbling politicians using their stump speeches to prove [...]

Abortion, Legal Protections, Legal Restrictions,United States,In the Courts, Reporting on Rights,News

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