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Expert Panel Calls on Germany to Legalize Abortion in First 12 Weeks

In this New York Times piece, the Center's Adriana Lamačkova comments on German abortion laws and the need for reform.

Germany, Europe,Reporting on Rights,Center in the Spotlight

Daily Beast: Why Does Spain Love Gay Marriage But Hate Abortion?

Daily Beast: Why Does Spain Love Gay Marriage But Hate Abortion? Emily Shire Spain’s about to become the most repressive country in the EU when it comes to abortion rights—even as it has embraced gay [...]

Abortion, Other Barriers,Europe, Spain,Engaging Policymakers, Around the World, Reporting on Rights,Center in the Spotlight

Reuters: IWD 2014: No equality without reproductive autonomy

Reuters: IWD 2014: No equality without reproductive autonomy Nancy Northup Earlier this year, France’s National Assembly moved to amend its country’s laws to reaffirm women’s absolute right to end a pregnancy through the first 12 [...]

Abortion, Legal Restrictions,Europe, Spain, United States,In the Courts, Engaging Policymakers, Around the World, In the States (USA), Reporting on Rights,Center in the Spotlight

RH Reality Check: Forced Pregnancy Testing: Blatant Discrimination and a Gross Violation of Human Rights

Forced Pregnancy Testing: Blatant Discrimination and a Gross Violation of Human Rights by Onyema Afulukwe, Legal Adviser for Africa at the Center for Reproductive Rights Earlier this month, news spread of a Louisiana charter school's [...]

Adolescent SRHR, Maternal Health, Coercive Policies,Africa, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, United States,Engaging Policymakers, Around the World, Reporting on Rights,Center in the Spotlight

Reproductive rights are human rights.

Help us ensure that every government around the world guarantees them.