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U.S. Repro Watch, June 26 card link

U.S. Repro Watch, June 26

Two years without Roe, Supreme Court abortion case updates, and other news on U.S. reproductive rights.

SRHR General,United States,Reporting on Rights,US Repro Watch

Texas Medical Board Fails to Clarify Abortion Ban Exceptions

6.21.2024 (PRESS STATEMENT) — Today, the Texas Medical Board published rules to purportedly clarify exceptions to the state’s harsh abortion bans. The rules were published after undergoing a 30-day public comment period and a public [...]

Abortion,United States,In the Courts,Statement

Leading Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice Organizations Launch ‘Abortion Access Now’ Campaign and $100 Million Investment

06.24.24 (PRESS RELEASE) – Marking the two-year anniversary of the Dobbs decision, leading reproductive health, rights, and justice organizations have launched the 'Abortion Access Now' campaign, pledging a $100 million investment to advance abortion rights [...]

United States,Press Releases

Supreme Court Ruling Maintains Access to Mifepristone

Current regulations of mifepristone will remain unchanged for now

Abortion,United States,In the Courts,News

U.S. Repro Watch, May 29

Attacks on medication abortion, the growing use of telehealth, and more news on U.S. reproductive rights.

SRHR General,United States,Reporting on Rights,US Repro Watch
Texas Supreme Court Rules Against Women Denied Abortion Care Despite Dangerous Pregnancy Complications card link

Texas Supreme Court Rules Against Women Denied Abortion Care Despite Dangerous Pregnancy Complications

In Zurawski v. State of Texas, court refuses to provide clarity on exceptions to state abortion bans.

Abortion, Legal Restrictions,United States,In the Courts,Story

U.S. Repro Watch, May 2

Updates on state abortion bans, new federal protections for pregnant patients and medical records, and more news on U.S. reproductive rights.

SRHR General,United States,Reporting on Rights,US Repro Watch

U.S. Repro Watch, April 18

Court says Indiana abortion ban violates religious freedom, Arizona to reinstate 160-year-old abortion ban, and other news on U.S. reproductive rights.

SRHR General,United States,Reporting on Rights,US Repro Watch

Reproductive rights are human rights.

Help us ensure that every government around the world guarantees them.

HHS Finalizes Rule to Support Reproductive Health Care Privacy card link

HHS Finalizes Rule to Support Reproductive Health Care Privacy

Office for Civil Rights publishes highly-anticipated regulation which clarifies federal privacy protections afforded to reproductive health information under HIPAA.

Abortion, Legal Protections, SRHR General,United States,Engaging Policymakers, In Washington D.C., U.S. Administrative Advocacy,Story

As College Decision Day Nears, Students Should Consider States’ Abortion Access

With half the U.S. states banning or severely restricting abortion, millions of young people will be headed to colleges in states without access.

Abortion, Legal Restrictions,United States,Reporting on Rights,Story

Arizona Set to Become the 15th State to Ban Abortion After State Supreme Court Reinstates 1864 Law

Abortion has been banned or severely restricted in half the U.S. states since the U.S. Supreme Court overruled Roe v. Wade in 2022.

Abortion, Legal Restrictions,United States,Reporting on Rights,Story

U.S. Repro Watch, April 4

Florida voters will weigh in on abortion rights after ban is upheld, SCOTUS hears major abortion case, and more news on U.S. reproductive rights.

SRHR General,United States,Reporting on Rights,US Repro Watch

Centuries-Old Abortion Ban Ruled Enforceable in Arizona

Arizona Supreme Court has ruled that a near-total abortion ban passed in 1864 can take effect

Abortion, Legal Restrictions,United States,In the Courts,Press Releases

Reproductive rights are human rights.

Help us ensure that every government around the world guarantees them.