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Philippine Supreme Court Upholds Historic Reproductive Health Law

For recent updates on the Center's Work in the Philippines, click here.  04.08.14 (PRESS RELEASE) After more than a year deliberating the constitutionality of the country’s historic Reproductive Health Law passed in 2012, the Philippine [...]

Contraception,Asia, Philippines,In the Courts,News

Statements from the Center for Reproductive Rights on the Constitutional Court Decision Decriminalizing Abortion in Colombia

02.21.22 – (PRESS STATEMENT) Today, the Constitutional Court of Colombia issued a ruling decriminalizing abortion up to 24 weeks gestation, a move expected to further eliminate barriers to legal abortion and help to end criminal [...]

Abortion,Latin America & Caribbean, Colombia,In the Courts,News

Colombia’s Highest Court Rules to Decriminalize Abortion

Landmark ruling in “Causa Justa” lawsuit will help remove barriers to abortion up to 24 weeks of gestation.

Abortion,Latin America & Caribbean, Colombia,In the Courts,Story

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