Search results for: New Mexico Supreme Court

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Center for Reproductive Rights Applauds Landmark Abortion Decision by European Court of Human Rights

Court finds Poland in violation of human rights and awards EUR 25,000 in case of woman left nearly blind. March 20, 2007 - The European Court of Human Rights held today, for the first time, [...]

Abortion, Other Barriers,Europe, Poland,In the Courts,News

RH Reality Check: Silence and Denial Don’t Work: Ireland, Malta, the European Union and the Lessons of Savita’s Death

RH Reality Check: Silence and Denial Don't Work: Ireland, Malta, the European Union and the Lessons of Savita's Death by Johanna Westeson, Regional Director for Europe at the Center for Reproductive Rights Much has been [...]

Abortion, Legal Restrictions, Other Barriers, Maternal Health, Maternal Mortality,Europe, Ireland,Reporting on Rights,Center in the Spotlight

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