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Center for Reproductive Rights Sues Texas to Stop Latest Unconstitutional Abortion Restrictions

Center for Reproductive Rights Sues Texas to Stop Latest Unconstitutional Abortion Restrictions New litigation seeks to protect Texas women from regulations designed to cut off access to legal abortion and shame women. Filing comes less [...]

Abortion, Legal Restrictions, Other Barriers,United States,In the Courts,News

Texas Finalizes Latest Unconstitutional Effort to Restrict Safe, Legal Abortion

Texas Finalizes Latest Unconstitutional Effort to Restrict Safe, Legal Abortion (MEDIA ADVISORY) -- Today the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) finalized unconstitutional new regulations that require the burial or cremation of embryonic and [...]

Abortion, Anti-Choice Harassment, Other Barriers,United States,Engaging Policymakers, In the States (USA),News

South Carolina: A Sign of Harmful Laws to Come?

South Carolina: A Sign of Harmful Laws to Come? Lawmakers in South Carolina have pre-filed an assortment of new legislation aimed at making it harder for women to access legal abortion care and birth control. [...]

Abortion, Contraception,United States,Engaging Policymakers, In the States (USA), Reporting on Rights,News

Federal Court Temporarily Halts Unconstitutional Texas Abortion Restrictions After Legal Challenge from Center for Reproductive Rights

Federal Court Temporarily Halts Unconstitutional Texas Abortion Restrictions After Legal Challenge from the Center (MEDIA ADVISORY) – A federal court judge today granted a request from the Center for Reproductive Rights to halt new regulations [...]

Abortion, Legal Restrictions, Other Barriers,United States,In the Courts,News

Freedom Denied

After 10 years of wrongful imprisonment after she had a stillbirth, our client Teodora was again denied her freedom. [UPDATE] Following 11 years of wrongful imprisonment after suffering an obstetric emergency, the Salvadoran Supreme Court [...]

Abortion, Legal Protections, Legal Restrictions, Adolescent SRHR, Contraception, Legal Protections, Legal Restrictions, Maternal Health,Latin America & Caribbean, El Salvador,Engaging Policymakers, Around the World,News

Center for Reproductive Rights Calls Out Texas for Ignoring Widespread Concern Over Latest Unconstitutional Attempt to Restrict Safe, Legal Abortion

Center Calls Out TX for Ignoring Widespread Concern Over Latest Attempt to Restrict Safe, Legal Abortion (MEDIA ADVISORY) The Center for Reproductive Rights today denounced the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) for ignoring [...]

Abortion, Legal Restrictions, Other Barriers,United States,Engaging Policymakers, In the States (USA),News

Centuries-Old Abortion Ban Ruled Enforceable in Arizona

Arizona Supreme Court has ruled that a near-total abortion ban passed in 1864 can take effect

Abortion, Legal Restrictions,United States,In the Courts,Press Releases

Repro Rights Are Human Rights

Six months pregnant and feeling unwell, a poor woman goes to a state-run clinic in Rio de Janeiro for help—and is turned away. A week later, she is dead. Halfway around the world, in Hungary, [...]

Abortion, Contraception, Funding for Reproductive Healthcare, Maternal Health,United States, Accountability Bodies,In the Courts, At the United Nations,News

Reproductive rights are human rights.

Help us ensure that every government around the world guarantees them.

Louisiana Facing $4.7 Million Legal Bill as State Continues to Defend Unconstitutional Clinic Shutdown Law

Louisiana Facing $4.7 Million Legal Bill as State Continues to Defend Unconstitutional Clinic Shutdown Law Center for Reproductive Rights entitled to legal fees after federal district court permanently blocks measure (PRESS RELEASE)  The Center for [...]

Abortion, Legal Protections, Other Barriers,United States,In the Courts, Engaging Policymakers, In the States (USA),News

Philippine Supreme Court Upholds Historic Reproductive Health Law

For recent updates on the Center's Work in the Philippines, click here.  04.08.14 (PRESS RELEASE) After more than a year deliberating the constitutionality of the country’s historic Reproductive Health Law passed in 2012, the Philippine [...]

Contraception,Asia, Philippines,In the Courts,News

Montana Supreme Court Expands Types of Clinicians Who Can Provide Abortions 

05.12.2023 (PRESS RELEASE) – Today, the Montana Supreme Court struck down a criminal law that limited access to abortion by preventing advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) from providing abortion care. Last year, a lower court [...]

Abortion, Other Barriers,United States,In the Courts,News

One Million Voices for Honduran Women

Can you imagine living in a country where women are thrown in jail for using emergency contraception—even if they were raped? This heinous law is currently pending before the Honduran Congress with a vote scheduled [...]

Legal Restrictions, Other Barriers, Contraception, Emergency Contraception, Legal Restrictions,Latin America & Caribbean,Engaging Policymakers, Around the World, Reporting on Rights,News

The Day that Will Live in Infamy

The Day that Will Live in Infamy by Aram Schvey, Policy Counsel for Foreign Policy and Human Rights at the Center for Reproductive Rights August 1, 2012: A date that will live in infamy. Or [...]

Contraception, Funding for Reproductive Healthcare, Public Funding,United States,Engaging Policymakers, In Washington D.C.,Center in the Spotlight

Reproductive rights are human rights.

Help us ensure that every government around the world guarantees them.