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Center for Reproductive Rights Sues Texas to Stop Latest Unconstitutional Abortion Restrictions

Center for Reproductive Rights Sues Texas to Stop Latest Unconstitutional Abortion Restrictions New litigation seeks to protect Texas women from regulations designed to cut off access to legal abortion and shame women. Filing comes less [...]

Abortion, Legal Restrictions, Other Barriers,United States,In the Courts,News

Texas Finalizes Latest Unconstitutional Effort to Restrict Safe, Legal Abortion

Texas Finalizes Latest Unconstitutional Effort to Restrict Safe, Legal Abortion (MEDIA ADVISORY) -- Today the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) finalized unconstitutional new regulations that require the burial or cremation of embryonic and [...]

Abortion, Anti-Choice Harassment, Other Barriers,United States,Engaging Policymakers, In the States (USA),News

BREAKING: Supreme Court is Asked to Urgently Restore Medication Abortion Access in Texas During Pandemic

Abortion Services Remain Virtually Inaccessible Under Gov. Abbott’s COVID-19 Order Today, Texas abortion providers — represented by the Center for Reproductive Rights, the Lawyering Project, and Planned Parenthood Federation of America — asked the U.S. [...]

Abortion, COVID-19,United States,In the Courts,News

5th Circuit Court of Appeals Backs Down, Restores Medication Abortion in Texas For Now

Decision came two days after abortion providers asked the U.S. Supreme Court to take emergency action to restore Texans’ access to medication abortion Late Monday night, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals backed down from [...]

Abortion, COVID-19,United States,In the Courts,News

Federal Court Temporarily Halts Unconstitutional Texas Abortion Restrictions After Legal Challenge from Center for Reproductive Rights

Federal Court Temporarily Halts Unconstitutional Texas Abortion Restrictions After Legal Challenge from the Center (MEDIA ADVISORY) – A federal court judge today granted a request from the Center for Reproductive Rights to halt new regulations [...]

Abortion, Legal Restrictions, Other Barriers,United States,In the Courts,News

Center for Reproductive Rights Calls Out Texas for Ignoring Widespread Concern Over Latest Unconstitutional Attempt to Restrict Safe, Legal Abortion

Center Calls Out TX for Ignoring Widespread Concern Over Latest Attempt to Restrict Safe, Legal Abortion (MEDIA ADVISORY) The Center for Reproductive Rights today denounced the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) for ignoring [...]

Abortion, Legal Restrictions, Other Barriers,United States,Engaging Policymakers, In the States (USA),News

Center Lawsuits to Protect Abortion Access During the COVID-19 Pandemic Are Working

The flurry of lawsuits filed since March by the Center for Reproductive Rights and its partners are succeeding in protecting access to abortion care during the COVID-19 pandemic. In eight states, officials have used the [...]

Abortion, COVID-19,United States,In the Courts,News

Louisiana Facing $4.7 Million Legal Bill as State Continues to Defend Unconstitutional Clinic Shutdown Law

Louisiana Facing $4.7 Million Legal Bill as State Continues to Defend Unconstitutional Clinic Shutdown Law Center for Reproductive Rights entitled to legal fees after federal district court permanently blocks measure (PRESS RELEASE)  The Center for [...]

Abortion, Legal Protections, Other Barriers,United States,In the Courts, Engaging Policymakers, In the States (USA),News

Reproductive rights are human rights.

Help us ensure that every government around the world guarantees them.

Montana Supreme Court Expands Types of Clinicians Who Can Provide Abortions 

05.12.2023 (PRESS RELEASE) – Today, the Montana Supreme Court struck down a criminal law that limited access to abortion by preventing advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) from providing abortion care. Last year, a lower court [...]

Abortion, Other Barriers,United States,In the Courts,News

Louisiana’s COVID-19 Ban on Abortion Challenged in Court

Center for Reproductive Rights files lawsuit against Louisiana following State actions attempting to stop abortion care during the pandemic Today, the Center for Reproductive Rights filed a lawsuit challenging Louisiana’s latest attempt to close abortion [...]

Abortion, COVID-19,United States,In the Courts,News

Senate Judiciary Committee Holds Hearing To Restrict Women’s Access to Safe, Legal Abortion

Senate Judiciary Committee Holds Hearing To Restrict Women’s Access to Safe, Legal Abortion Hearing comes less than two weeks after Supreme Court hears challenge to Texas’ clinic shutdown law, on the heels of years of [...]

Abortion, Legal Restrictions, Other Barriers,United States,Engaging Policymakers, In Washington D.C.,News

Legal Whiplash: Abortion Providers Forced to Cancel Appointments Yet Again After Appeals Court Reinstates Gov. Abbott’s COVID-19 Order Blocking Abortion Access

This comes one day after a federal district court allowed abortion providers to resume medication abortions and abortion procedures for patients who would otherwise be denied abortion access Today, for the second time this week, [...]

Abortion, COVID-19,United States,In the Courts,News

Appeals Court Allows Abortion Care to Continue in Oklahoma During COVID-19 Pandemic

Appeals Court upholds lower court ruling to block COVID-19 abortion ban in case filed by the Center for Reproductive Rights and Planned Parenthood Federation of America Today, the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals let stand [...]

Abortion, COVID-19,United States,In the Courts,News

Reproductive rights are human rights.

Help us ensure that every government around the world guarantees them.