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Olympics-host France Leads on Liberalizing Abortion card link

Olympics-host France Leads on Liberalizing Abortion

2024 is not only the year France hosts the Summer Olympics but it also marks the year the country became the first ever to explicitly protect abortion in its constitution.

Abortion, Legal Protections,Europe, France, Global,Reporting on Rights,Story

Center Leaders in Latin America Discuss Mexico Ruling Decriminalizing Abortion

Historic decision by Mexico’s Supreme Court of Justice will increase abortion access nationwide and marks another victory for the Latin American Green Wave movement.

Abortion, Legal Protections,Latin America & Caribbean, Mexico,Reporting on Rights,News

Mexico Supreme Court Upholds Mexico City Abortion Law

Court Joins Global Trend of Loosening Restrictions on Abortion NEW YORK - Today in an 8 to 3 groundbreaking vote, Mexico's Supreme Court upheld Mexico City's law making abortion legal in the first trimester, ruling [...]

Abortion, Legal Protections,Latin America & Caribbean, Mexico,Engaging Policymakers, Around the World,News

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