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Texas Supreme Court Rules Against Women Denied Abortion Care Despite Dangerous Pregnancy Complications card link

Texas Supreme Court Rules Against Women Denied Abortion Care Despite Dangerous Pregnancy Complications

In Zurawski v. State of Texas, court refuses to provide clarity on exceptions to state abortion bans.

Abortion, Legal Restrictions,United States,In the Courts,Story

Texas Supreme Court Refuses to Clarify Abortion Ban Exceptions

5.31.2024 (PRESS RELEASE) – Today, the Texas Supreme Court issued a ruling in Zurawski v. Texas that fails to provide any meaningful clarity on when doctors can perform abortions for dire medical reasons. The ruling [...]

Abortion,United States,In the Courts,Press Releases

Kansas Abortion Providers Challenge New Law Forcing Them to Give Patient Information to the State

Kansas abortion providers filed a legal challenge to a new law that would force providers to report to the state patients’ reasons for seeking abortion.

Abortion,United States,In the Courts,Press Releases

U.S. Supreme Court Abortion Cases: A Brief Primer

The Court will soon rule on two cases that could limit access to an abortion medication and deny pregnant patients access to emergency care.

Abortion, Legal Protections, Legal Restrictions,United States,In the Courts, Reporting on Rights,Story

Advocating for Abortion Reform in the Philippines

New brief outlines the impact of the country’s restrictive laws and recommends legalization and decriminalization.

Abortion, Legal Restrictions,Asia, Philippines,Engaging Policymakers, Around the World, Reporting on Rights,Story
Center Continues Fight Against Anti-Abortion Extremists card link

Center Continues Fight Against Anti-Abortion Extremists

Extremists’ latest tactic: Intimidating pregnant people traveling out of state for abortion care.

Abortion, Anti-Choice Harassment,United States,Reporting on Rights,Story

Know Your State’s Abortion Laws: New Resource Equips Medical Providers with Tools to Navigate the Post-Roe World

Guides outline conduct permitted by medical professionals in 12 states where medical providers face the greatest confusion and threat of prosecution.

Abortion,United States,Reporting on Rights,Story

Arizona Legislature Votes to Repeal Civil War-Era Abortion Ban

5.01.2024 (PRESS STATEMENT) — Today, the Arizona Senate joined the Arizona House and voted to repeal the state’s controversial 1864 total abortion ban, which had been ruled enforceable last month. The ban allows for abortion [...]

Abortion,United States,Reporting on Rights,News

Reproductive rights are human rights.

Help us ensure that every government around the world guarantees them.

Advocacy Efforts by the Center and Regional Partners Lead to CEDAW Recommendation to Liberalize Turkmenistan Abortion Law card link

Advocacy Efforts by the Center and Regional Partners Lead to CEDAW Recommendation to Liberalize Turkmenistan Abortion Law

Advocacy included a joint submission and presentation highlighting the country’s restrictive abortion laws and barriers to access.

Abortion, Legal Restrictions,Asia, Turkmenistan,At the United Nations, Reporting on Rights,Story

In Brief: Unveiling the Realities of Laws on Abortion in the Philippines

This brief outlines the impact of the Philippines’ abortion laws and advocates for the decriminalization of abortion in the country.

Abortion,Asia, Philippines,Reporting on Rights,Publications

Florida Six-Week Abortion Ban Set to Take Effect May 1 

4.29.2024 (PRESS STATEMENT) — This Wednesday, May 1, a six-week abortion ban is set to take effect in Florida, making Florida one of 17 states that either bans abortion entirely or at six weeks of [...]

Abortion,United States,In the Courts,News

HHS Finalizes Rule to Support Reproductive Health Care Privacy

Office for Civil Rights publishes highly-anticipated regulation which clarifies federal privacy protections afforded to reproductive health information under HIPAA.

Abortion, Legal Protections, SRHR General,United States,Engaging Policymakers, In Washington D.C., U.S. Administrative Advocacy,Story

New Guidance Expands the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act to Cover Abortion Accommodations

A new federal regulation from the Equal Opportunity Commission entitles employees to unpaid time off for pregnancy-related medical conditions, including abortion.

Abortion, Legal Protections, Assisted Reproduction, Maternal Health,United States,Engaging Policymakers, U.S. Administrative Advocacy,Story

Reproductive rights are human rights.

Help us ensure that every government around the world guarantees them.