Search results for: New Mexico Supreme Court

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First-Ever Federal Ban on Abortion Violates Women’s Rights

On June 28, 2000 the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a sweeping state ban on abortion. Despite that ruling, Congress passed an almost identical law that was signed by President George W. Bush on November [...]

Abortion,United States,Reporting on Rights,Publications

Roe v. Wade – Then and Now

On January 22, 1973, the United States Supreme Court struck down the State of Texas's criminal abortion laws, finding that the right to decide whether to have a child is a fundamental right guaranteed by [...]

Abortion,United States,Reporting on Rights,Publications

U.S. Supreme Court Case Summaries: Privacy Law 1891-Present

The 1973 Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade was far from radical—it was the logical extension of Supreme Court decisions on the right to privacy dating back to the turn of the century and [...]

Abortion,United States,Reporting on Rights,Publications

Yet Another Anti-Abortion Scare Tactic: False Claims of Breast Cancer Risk

            Some anti-abortion activists rely upon phony medical claims as a way to deter women from choosing abortion. Motivated by their desire to overturn the United State Supreme Court’s decision [...]

Abortion,United States,Reporting on Rights,Publications

U.S. Supreme Court Case Summaries: Griswold and Leading Abortion Cases

Griswold v. Connecticut Roe v. Wade Bellotti v. Baird II Harris v. McRae Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey Stenberg v. Carhart Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood of Northern New England Gonzales v. Carhart Griswold [...]

Abortion,United States,In the Courts,Publications

The Bush Global Gag Rule: Endangering Women’s Health, Free Speech and Democracy

On January 22, 2001, on his first business day in office (and the 28th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision establishing a woman's right to an abortion), President George W. [...]

Abortion,Accountability Bodies, United Nations,Reporting on Rights,Publications

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