Women’s Health Protection Act Reintroduced in Congress: “Abortion with Dignity and Without Barriers”
In this Ms. Magazine article about the 2021 reintroduction of the Women’s Health Protection Act, Nancy Northup, President and CEO of the Center for Reproductive Rights, talks about recently released polling conducted by Hart Research showing that a solid majority of voters support the Women’s Health Protection Act:
“This poll sends a clear message to Congress: the majority of voters want abortion protected under federal law. We cannot wait any longer. Even now, with constitutional protections in place, state legislators have made it impossible to access abortion in the South and Midwest. This bill—WHPA—would protect against the hundreds of state restrictions and bans that have pushed abortion out of reach. This is an issue of equal access, everywhere.”
Women’s Health Protection Act Reintroduced in Congress: “Abortion with Dignity and Without Barriers,” Ms. Magazine, June 9, 2021.