U.S. Elected to UN Human Rights Council
With the recent election of the United States to the United Nations Human Rights Council, the time has come for the U.S. to re-establish itself as a champion for women’s reproductive health at the UN and around the world. The US was one of 18 countries elected to the 47-seat council in a vote by the UN General Assembly earlier this month.The council is the UN’s main political human rights body and will meet next month from June 2 – 18. The Center is hopeful that issues surrounding women’s reproductive health, including maternal mortality, will be addressed at the session as previously recommended
Maternal mortality is a massive human rights problem. Every year over half a million women die from pregnancy-related causes around the world. The U.S., in particular, has one of the highest rates of maternal mortality among western developed nations and ranks 30th in the world in its maternal mortality rate. Request an interview or more information >,Learn more about maternal mortality
Preventing Maternal Mortality and Ensuring Safe Pregnancy: Government Duties to Ensure Pregnant Women’s Survival and Health
Surviving Pregnancy and Childbirth: An International Human Right