The Center at the 2008 AWID International Forum
Many of the most dramatic advances in reproductive rights have resulted from partnerships between local advocates and international ones such as the Center. At this year’s AWID International Forum on Women’s Rights and Development, the Center and its partners will share how their collaborations have created new opportunities for action and transformed politics and law worldwide. The largest gathering of its kind, the AWID forum will bring together some 1500 women’s rights advocates from around the world to discuss the power of movements. It kicks off this Friday, November 14, in Cape Town, South Africa.
Our panel Building Bridges for Claiming Women’s Rights through Strategic Partnership and Collective Action, co-hosted with the International Women’s Rights Action Watch, will also explore how traditional and innovative legal strategies can realize women’s human rights. These strategies include the documentation of human rights violations, reporting to international human rights bodies, and national and international litigation.
The panel will take place on Sunday, November 16th from 4:30 – 6:00 PM at the Cape Town International Convention Center. It will be moderated by Center President Nancy Northup and include the following panelists:
- Sunila Abeysekera, International Women’s Rights Action Watch – Asia Pacific
- Elizabeth Pangalangan, Reprocen (Manila, the Philippines)
- Claris Ogangah-Onyango, Federation of Women Lawyers – Kenya
- Ximena Andion Ibanez, the Center for Reproductive Rights