Tag: Women's Health Protection Act

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Tell Congress: We Need Federal Legislation to Protect Abortion Rights

Here's how to tell Congress to support federal legislation to protect the right to access abortion care nationwide.

One Year After Roe, U.S. House Members Again Push for the Women’s Health Protection Act

The federal legislation would re-establish a nationwide right to abortion.

Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA)

WHPA is U.S. federal legislation to protect the right to access abortion care nationwide.

U.S. House Again Passes Bill to Protect Abortion Rights 

For the second time in less than a year, the U.S. House passes the Women’s Health Protection Act.

Roe at 49: Will the U.S. Supreme Court Allow More States to Ban Abortion?

As the Court allows Texas to end most abortion access, almost half the U.S. states are ready to ban abortion if Roe is gutted.

U.S. House to Take Historic Vote on the Women’s Health Protection Act

he U.S. House of Representatives will soon hold its first-ever vote on the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA). When enacted, WHPA will safeguard abortion access from state-level bans and restrictions. This vote will mark the first time the House has voted on proactive abortion legislation in nearly three decades. 

Hearing Recap: Witnesses Urge Congress to Pass the Women’s Health Protection Act

In a hearing chaired by Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) in the U.S. Senate, reproductive health, rights, and justice advocates and experts testified in support of the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA), a federal bill to protect the right to access abortion throughout the United States.

U.S. Senate Holds Hearing on the Women’s Health Protection Act

Reproductive health, rights, and justice experts and advocates will be testifying before the U.S. Senate tomorrow in support of the Women’s Health Protection Act of 2021 (S.1975), federal legislation that protects the right to access abortion free from medically unnecessary restrictions and bans that impede access in states across the country.

Center’s Creative Council Marks Reintroduction of the Women’s Health Protection Act in New Video

Members of the Center for Reproductive Rights Creative Council–comprised of individuals from the arts, entertainment, fashion, media and other industries who raise awareness of the Center’s work–created this video to mark the reintroduction of the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA) in Congress. The Women’s Health Protection Act, also known as WHPA, was introduced on June […]

Women’s Health Protection Act Introduced in U.S. Congress to Protect Abortion Access

As members of the U.S. Congress introduce the Women’s Health Protection Act, the Center for Reproductive Rights is announcing new research showing that a solid majority of U.S. voters support passage of federal legislation that would protect the right to access abortion care throughout the United States.