Tag: WHO Abortion Guideline

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Advocacy Efforts by the Center and Regional Partners Lead to CEDAW Recommendation to Liberalize Turkmenistan Abortion Law

Advocacy included a joint submission and presentation highlighting the country’s restrictive abortion laws and barriers to access.

Medication Abortion in Global Context: Frequently Asked Questions

Despite continued barriers to care, medication abortion has transformed global abortion access.

In Op-Ed, the Center’s Jihan Jacob Argues for the Philippines to Follow WHO’s New Guideline and Ensure Abortion Access

“For Filipinos to fully exercise their human rights, they must be able to make free and informed decisions and have access to abortion care.” -- Jacob

Las nuevas Directrices sobre la atención para el Aborto de la OMS: Lo más destacado de sus Recomendaciones Legislación y Políticas

Esta hoja informativa, emitida por el Centro de Derechos Reproductivos, analiza los aspectos más destacados de las recomendaciones de leyes y políticas de la OMS de su nueva Guía de atención del aborto emitida en marzo de 2022. Lea la hoja informativa aquí:

Center Factsheet Outlines Recommendations of New WHO Abortion Guideline

Law and policy recommendations and core themes are discussed.

Fact Sheet: Law and Policy Recommendations of WHO’s New Abortion Guideline

Highlights of law and policy recommendations from WHO's new Abortion Guideline.

Center Commends WHO’s New Abortion Guideline for Quality Abortion Care Worldwide

World Health Organization’s new Abortion Care Guideline affirms abortion access as essential to health and human rights, calling for the removal of legal barriers to access.