Tag: Washington Post

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Her baby has a deadly diagnosis. Her Florida doctors refused an abortion.

Interim Director of Litigation Autumn Katz was interviewed for this Washington Post article.

Washington Post Op-ed Counters Claims that U.S. Abortion Restrictions Are Aligned with European Laws

Leah Hoctor, the Center's senior regional director for Europe, calls claims by Senator Lindsey Graham and others "simply untrue."

Center CEO Calls on Biden Administration to Declare a Public Health Emergency for Abortion

Nancy Northup, President and CEO of the Center for Reproductive Rights, authored an op-ed for the Washington Post, titled “Biden must declare a public health emergency for abortion—immediately.” 

Provider Explains in Washington Post Op-ed Why He Violated Texas’s Extreme Abortion Ban

Dr. Alan Braid, one of the plaintiffs in Whole Woman’s Health v. Jackson, the Center’s case challenging Texas’s extreme abortion ban, has written an op-ed for The Washington Post titled, “Why I violated Texas’s extreme abortion ban.” The Texas law, S.B. 8, bans abortion care after approximately six weeks of pregnancy and incentivizes individuals—including anti-abortion […]