Tag: UN
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Victory at the UN in the “They Are Girls, Not Mothers” Cases
Human Rights Committee establishes new worldwide standards for access to abortion, sex education, and protections for sexual abuse survivors.
Fact Sheet: SRHR in CERD’s General Recommendation on Racial Discrimination and the Right to Health
Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination's General Recommendation No. 37.
Breaking Ground 2020-2024: Treaty Monitoring Bodies on Reproductive Rights
This report summarizes the jurisprudence from United Nations treaty monitoring bodies on reproductive rights, particularly the standards on reproductive health information and contraception, maternal health care, abortion, and emerging issues in international human rights law.
Rompiendo Barreras, 2020-2024: Órganos de supervisión de los tratados sobre los derechos reproductivos
Rompiendo Barreras, 2020-2024: Órganos de supervisión de los tratados sobre los derechos reproductivos resume la jurisprudencia de los órganos de supervisión de los tratados de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) sobre salud y derechos sexuales y reproductivos, con particular atención al acceso a información sobre salud reproductiva y anticoncepción, salud materna, aborto y cuestiones emergentes en […]
Center’s Cases at the UN Seek New Human Rights Standard to Ensure Safe Abortion and Protections for Sexual Abuse Survivors
“They are girls, not mothers” cases against Ecuador, Guatemala, and Nicaragua—brought on behalf of four girls denied access to abortion and other reproductive services—could lead to SRHR protections throughout Latin America and across the world.
New UN Report: Polish Abortion Law Violates Human Rights
A comprehensive investigation reveals the devastating consequences of Poland's restrictive abortion law on women's health and bodily autonomy, requiring urgent legal reform.
Guatemala tiene una oportunidad histórica para demostrar su compromiso con los derechos de las mujeres y las niñas
Ciudad de Guatemala, 26 de julio de 2024 – (Comunicado de prensa). Esta semana, la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) realizó su visita “in loco” a Guatemala para observar la situación de derechos humanos, en especial “la de grupos en situación de vulnerabilidad, desde los enfoques étnico racial y de género”. Una semana antes, […]
Commission on Population and Development Side Event: Celebrating ICPD’s Impact on Choice and Autonomy
Watch online this April 30 event about the impact of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), being held at UN Headquarters during the 57th Session of the CPD.
Case at United Nations Human Rights Committee Seeks to Ensure Access to Abortion in Honduras
After becoming pregnant as a result of rape, an indigenous woman and human rights defender was denied emergency contraception and abortion care and was forced to give birth against her will.
Center Joins in Commemorating International Women’s Day at the United Nations
Center leaders speak at sessions of the UN Human Rights Council and Commission on the Status of Women.