Tag: texas abortion laws

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Zurawski v Texas Documentary Film

This new critically acclaimed documentary film shadows three Center clients from Texas denied abortion care despite facing dangerous pregnancy complications, and the Center attorney fighting on their behalf.

Three Years of Texas S.B. 8

Even before the Supreme Court overturned Roe, it allowed Texas to ban abortion—and the impact has been devastating.

New Study Confirms That the Texas Abortion Ban “Is Responsible” for a Rise in Infant Deaths

Deaths from fetal anomalies increased 23% after Texas’s six-week ban took effect in 2021.

Center Continues Fight Against Anti-Abortion Extremists

Extremists’ latest tactic: Intimidating pregnant people traveling out of state for abortion care.

2024 SXSW Conference—Health Care Crisis in Post-Roe America: Finding Your Voice

Watch the video replay of this panel from the South by Southwest Conference featuring the Center's Nancy Northup and plaintiffs Amanda Zurawski and Samantha Casiano.

Center’s “Emergency Medical” Exceptions Case Heads to Texas Supreme Court November 28

In Zurawski v. State of Texas, the Center is representing women denied abortion care despite facing severe pregnancy complications that risked their health and lives.

Plaintiff in Center’s Case Against Texas to Testify at the U.S. Senate April 26

Amanda Zurawski to testify at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on "The Assault on Reproductive Rights in a Post-Dobbs America." Watch the hearing live.

Working to Block State Abortion Bans: Post-Roe Court Battles Continue

As anti-abortion states in the U.S. rush to enforce abortion bans, the Center and partners work to preserve access to care.

Lawsuit Updates: Working to Block State Abortion Bans

As states rush to enforce abortion bans, the Center and partners work to block them.

As States Rush to Enforce Abortion Bans, the Center and Partners Work to Block Them

Center lawsuits filed this week have succeeded in temporarily blocking abortion bans in Louisiana and Texas.