Tag: Reproductive Rights are Human Rights Act

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Human Rights and the Fight Against Retrogression in the U.S.

Risa Kaufman, the Center’s Director of U.S. Human Rights, wrote a piece for the journal Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters. She analyzed the recent abortion restrictions and bans occurring in the United States, including Texas’s “extreme” abortion ban, S.B. 8, from a human rights perspective. In her article, Kaufman said, “As the United States faces […]

Bill Would Require U.S. Reporting on Reproductive Rights in Annual Human Rights Report

The Reproductive Rights are Human Rights Act would ensure that the State Department, regardless of administration, is required to report on the status of sexual and reproductive rights in the Human Rights Reports.

The First 100 Days of the Biden-Harris Administration: Reproductive Rights, Health and Justice

In its first 100 days, the Biden-Harris administration has taken crucial steps to undo many Trump-Pence administration’s policies that undermined reproductive rights and access to health care in the U.S. and around the world.