Tag: president biden
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Statement from Nancy Northup on the Biden-Harris Administration’s Announcement on Actions to Further Abortion Access
08.26.2022 — On Friday, August 26, the Biden-Harris administration announced further actions to implement President Biden’s Executive Orders on abortion access (EO 14076 and EO 14079). Statement from Nancy Northup, President & CEO of the Center for Reproductive Rights: “In the two months since Roe was overturned, abortion has become illegal in eleven states, and […]
Biden’s First Year: Top 13 Ways the Administration Improved Reproductive Rights
Actions crucial as SCOTUS considers the future of U.S. abortion rights.
White House’s National Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality to Help Guide Domestic and Foreign Policy
Last month, the Biden-Harris Administration issued the first-ever U.S. government National Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality (“the National Strategy”). This groundbreaking strategy, developed by the White House Gender Policy Council, will serve as a roadmap for a government-wide effort to advance gender equity and equality and will guide the Biden-Harris Administration’s domestic and foreign policy. In a letter on the National Strategy, President Biden and Vice […]
New Rule Restores Reproductive Health Services to Title X Family Planning Program
Biden Administration's Final Rule on Title X restores reproductive health services under nationwide family planning program.
Biden’s Proposal to Lift Hyde Amendment Is a Step Toward Allowing Abortion Coverage for Medicaid Recipients
For the first time in decades, a president has submitted a budget without the Hyde Amendment, a policy that prohibits coverage of abortion care for people insured through Medicaid. It’s now up to Congress to pass federal appropriations bills without the Hyde Amendment and related abortion coverage bans to ensure that people living on low […]
Center Submits Comment on Proposed Rule to End Trump-era “Domestic Gag Rule”
On May 17, 2021, the Center for Reproductive Rights submitted a comment on the Biden Administration’s proposed rule on “Ensuring Access to Equitable, Affordable, Client-Centered, Quality Family Planning Services.” The proposed rule change would restore the Title X family planning program by ending the Trump-era “domestic gag rule” and reinstating regulations instituted in 2000, with […]
Add Your Voice to End the Trump-era “Domestic Gag Rule” by May 17
Monday, May 17, is the final day for the public to submit comments to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on the Biden Administration’s proposed rule change that would end the Trump-era “domestic gag rule.” The domestic gag rule targets the Title X family planning program with regulations limiting access to reproductive health care services.
The First 100 Days of the Biden-Harris Administration: Reproductive Rights, Health and Justice
In its first 100 days, the Biden-Harris administration has taken crucial steps to undo many Trump-Pence administration’s policies that undermined reproductive rights and access to health care in the U.S. and around the world.
Biden Administration to Rescind Trump-era “Domestic Gag Rule”
The Biden Administration on Wednesday issued a proposed rule to undo a harmful Trump-era policy, known as the “domestic gag rule,” that targeted the Title X family planning program with regulations limiting access to reproductive health care services.
Black Maternal Health Week is April 11-17
As the U.S. faces a maternal health crisis, with Black women three times more likely to die than white women from pregnancy complications, the Center for Reproductive Rights has partnered to sponsor Black Maternal Health Week, April 11-17—a seven-day series aimed at raising awareness, inspiring activism, and strengthening organizing for Black maternal health.