Tag: Nicaragua
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United Nations Human Rights Committee Issues Historic Ruling to Protect Girls from Forced Motherhood, Setting Global Precedent across 170+ countries
Rulings come after anti gender actions by the Trump administration in first 24 hours of its term NEW YORK, NY / WASHINGTON, D.C. — On January 20, 2025, the United Nations Human Rights Committee issued three landmark rulings, holding Ecuador and Nicaragua accountable for severe human rights violations against three young survivors of sexual violence […]
Ecuador y Nicaragua deben garantizar el acceso al aborto para poner fin a las violaciones de los derechos humanos de las niñas: ONU
El Comité de Derechos Humanos reconoce que las prohibiciones del aborto violaron los derechos de las niñas que sobrevivieron a la violencia sexual y fueron forzadas ser madres. 22.01.2025 (PRONUNCIAMIENTO) — En un importante triunfo para los derechos de niñas y mujeres, el Comité de Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas dictaminó el lunes que […]
UN Ruling: Ecuador and Nicaragua Must Legalize Abortion to End Violations of Girls’ Human Rights
22.01.2025 (PRESS STATEMENT) — In a major victory for girls’ and women’s rights, the United Nations Human Rights Committee ruled Monday that Ecuador and Nicaragua violated the human rights of three girls who were forced into motherhood due to abortion bans in those States. In its decision, the Committee recognized that forced pregnancies and forced motherhood […]
Vitória para as meninas, condenações históricas exigem que Equador e Nicarágua garantam que nenhuma menina seja obrigada a ser mãe.
Neste 20 de janeiro de 2025, o Comitê de Direitos Humanos das Nações Unidas proferiu duas decisões históricas que condenam os Estados do Equador e da Nicarágua por violarem os direitos humanos de de Norma, Lucía y Susana, três meninas latino-americanas sobreviventes de violência sexual que foram forçadas à maternidade, reconhecendo que as meninas devem […]
Girls win! Landmark ruling demands that Ecuador and Nicaragua ensure that no girl is forced into motherhood
Lee la versión en español aquí. On January 20th, 2025, the United Nations Human Rights Committee issued three landmark decisions holding the States of Ecuador and Nicaragua responsible for the human rights violations of three Latin American girls, survivors of rape, who were forced into motherhood. The Committee recognized that girls should be just that: […]
Ganan las niñas, condenas históricas exigen a los Estados de Ecuador y Nicaragua que ninguna niña sea obligada a ser madre
Read English version here. Este 20 de enero de 2025, el Comité de Derechos Humanos de Naciones Unidas emitió tres decisiones históricas que condenan a los Estados de Ecuador y Nicaragua por las violaciones a los derechos humanos de Norma, Lucía y Susana, tres niñas latinoamericanas sobrevivientes de violencia sexual que fueron forzadas a la […]