Tag: mississippi abortion case

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U.S. Solicitor General Amicus Brief in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health

Amicus is the United States Solicitor General. The brief explains that Casey reaffirmed Roe’s central holding that a State may not prohibit abortion before viability. Roe and Casey were and remain correct and the Court should reject Mississippi’s attempt to upset the careful balance of the viability rule. Amicus argues that stare decisis requires adherence […]

State Legislators Amicus Brief in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health

Amici are 896 state legislators throughout the United States. The brief argues that the Mississippi ban is impermissible under the Court’s established jurisprudence. This ban would upend the already-precarious patchwork of abortion care nationwide and jeopardize access in states that protect abortion rights. Amici argue that failure by the Court to uphold rule of law […]

State Attorneys General Amicus Brief in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health

Amici are 22 states, the District of Columbia, and the Attorney General of North Carolina. The brief argues that Mississippi’s ban on pre-viability abortions is unconstitutional and that there is no basis for the Court to overturn its well-settled precedent. Amici States argue that the constitutional rule that States may not ban abortions before the […]

Former Judges, Department of Justice Officials, and Current and Former Law Enforcement Amicus Brief in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health

Amici are current and former prosecutors and law enforcement officials, and former state attorneys general, federal judges, U.S. Attorneys, and U.S. Department of Justice officials. Amici argue that upholding Mississippi’s ban would eviscerate the constitutional right to abortion and open the door to the criminalization of healthcare providers and people who seek abortions. The brief […]

Members of Congress Amicus Brief in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health

Amici are 236 members of the United States Congress. Amici, members of Congress, are bound to support and defend the Constitution and share a concern for the continued vitality and advancement of constitutional protections for individual rights. This includes the decision to have an abortion, a fundamental right guaranteed by the Constitution and one that […]

Local Governments Amicus Brief in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health

Amici are 29 cities and counties from across the country. The brief argues that Mississippi’s abortion ban would significantly worsen existing disparities in health outcomes and access to healthcare in amici’s communities. Abortion bans destroy the community trust that is fundamental to local efforts to reduce health disparities. Amici also warn that a decision to […]

Violence Against Providers Amicus Brief in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health

Amici are organizations and individuals with longstanding personal experience and expertise concerning the pervasive pattern of violence and threats of violence directed at abortion providers. This brief cautions that Mississippi’s argument for overruling the Court’s longstanding precedents ignores violent anti-abortion extremism, a prominent part of the history of post-Roe abortion in America. Amici in this […]

Providers’ Perspectives Amicus Brief in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health

Amici are professional, membership, and training programs for abortion providers including the Abortion Care Network, Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health, Medical Students for Choice, National Abortion Federation, Physicians for Reproductive Health, and Planned Parenthood Federation of America. In this brief healthcare professionals describe – in their own words – why they provide abortion care […]

Abortion Funds Amicus Brief in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health

Amici are nonprofit organizations that provide financial and practical support to vulnerable people seeking abortion care throughout the United States. This brief draws on the experience of amici abortion funds and explains how persistent and formidable barriers routinely prevent some people from obtaining abortion care before fifteen weeks of pregnancy. Amici’s clients typically experience multiple […]

Young Women Amicus Brief in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health

Amici are YWCA USA, Girls Inc., Supermajority Education Fund, and United State of Women. This brief demonstrates young women’s support for, and reliance on, the constitutional right to abortion care.  Amici explain how, throughout critical points in their lives –whether entering adulthood, accessing higher education, or beginning their careers – two generations of young women […]