Tag: gender equality

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2024-2029: Priorities for EU Action to Advance Gender Equality and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

The Center's report recommending actions by EU institutions to ensure continued progress on gender equality and SRHR.

UN Side Event: Technology and the Future of Gender Equality and SRHR

Watch this March 8 panel being held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

The Center to Co-Host Side Event to the UN Commission on Population and Development Session

Register to attend the Center's virtual side event to the UN's Session on Population and Development.

Virtual Event: Feminist Foreign Policy Summit

Register today for this April 13 event exploring new approaches to advance global justice, equality, and sustainable peace.

Center’s Work Promoting Gender Equality Recognized in the Philippines

The Philippine Commission on Human Rights awards the Center as a valuable partner.

White House’s National Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality to Help Guide Domestic and Foreign Policy

Last month, the Biden-Harris Administration issued the first-ever U.S. government National Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality (“the National Strategy”). This groundbreaking strategy, developed by the White House Gender Policy Council, will serve as a roadmap for a government-wide effort to advance gender equity and equality and will guide the Biden-Harris Administration’s domestic and foreign policy.  In a letter on the National Strategy, President Biden and Vice […]

Abortion and Gender Equality: Spotlight on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health

For almost five decades, the right to abortion has helped advance gender equality in the U.S. by allowing generations of women to pursue their personal, educational, and employment opportunities and life goals.