Tag: abortion in Kenya
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Center and Partners Strategize to Ensure Access to Abortion Care in Kenya
Despite court victories and constitutional protections guaranteeing access to abortion and reproductive health care, many Kenyans continue to face barriers.
Give sex abuse victims access to abortion, other services
Read an op-ed in Nation by the Center's Prudence Mutiso, Martin Onyango, and Timothy Thondu.
Here’s how to stop deaths of pregnant girls, women
Read an op-ed in The Star by the Center's Betty Odallo.
Abortion in Kenya
Enforcing Kenya’s Constitutional Obligations to Provide Legal Abortion Services
High Court of Kenya in Malindi Ruling in PAK and Salim Mohammed vs. the Attorney General and 3 others
In this ruling on March 24, 2022, the High Court of Kenya in Malindi affirmed the right to abortion under the Constitution and directed Parliament to enact reforms. The ruling was in the case, PAK and Salim Mohammed vs the Attorney General and 3 others (Petition E009 of 2020).
Kenyan High Court Affirms the Right to Abortion Under the Constitution and Directs Parliament to Enact Reforms
Landmark ruling in case defending a minor and a clinician will protect patients and providers from arrest and prosecution for seeking and providing abortion services.
Wrongfully Arrested for Seeking Abortion Care, Kenyan Woman and Nurse Exonerated with Help from the Center and its Partner
Despite constitutional protections for reproductive health care, law enforcement officers often harass, arrest, and prosecute patients and providers.
In Op-ed, the Center’s Evelyne Opondo Calls on Kenya to Stop the Harassment of Women and Girls Seeking Abortion Care
The Kenyan government must align its penal code with the 2010 Constitution, says the Center’s Evelyne Opondo
Opinion: Stop harassment of women, girls seeking abortion care
Evelyne Opondo, Senior Regional Director for Africa at the Center for Reproductive Rights, wrote an op-ed in the Daily Nation on the need for the Kenyan government to align the penal code with the Kenyan Constitution, which “gave a framework for reproductive health, including abortion care as a fundamental human right.” In the op-ed, Opondo […]
Abortion Rights at a Crossroads
This “VOA Our Voices” segment by Voice of America (VOA) Africa discusses the impact on abortion rights in Africa if the U.S. Supreme Court overrules Roe v. Wade. The feature highlights stories of unsafe and illegal abortions occurring even in countries like Kenya where such rights are constitutionally guaranteed. Martin Onyango, Head of Legal Strategies […]