Senate Committee Preserves D.C. Autonomy, Passes Appropriations Bill Without Harmful Anti-Choice Riders
(PRESS RELEASE) The Senate Appropriations Committee voted to preserve the District of Columbia’s autonomy today by passing its version of the FY2013 Financial Services and
General Government Appropriations bill free of any riders prohibiting the District from spending its own funds on abortion services for low-income women.
The House version of the appropriations bill seeks to renew the current politically-motivated policy, which has denied over 60,000 non-elderly
Medicaid-enrolled women the comprehensive reproductive health care they need-despite the fact that such funding has been continually supported by the duly
elected City Council and Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton, D.C.’s congressional representative.
Said Nancy Northup, president and CEO at the Center for Reproductive Rights:
“We commend the Senate Appropriations Committee for preserving the District’s right to govern in the best interest of its residents, and free from
undue interference from Congress.
“It is profoundly anti-democratic to continue singling out the District of Columbia and using all the women who live there as political pawns for an
anti-choice agenda.
“We strongly urge Congress to maintain the version of the appropriations bill passed through the Senate committee today, which finally demonstrates a
respect for the rights, health, and autonomy of women in the District of Columbia.”