Maternal Health: All Work
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Victory at the UN in the “They Are Girls, Not Mothers” Cases
Human Rights Committee establishes new worldwide standards for access to abortion, sex education, and protections for sexual abuse survivors.
Center’s 2024 State Legislative Wrap-up Finds Laws Continue to Reflect a Divided Nation
Six takeaways from the Center's report examining nearly 2,000 state bills on abortion, maternal health care, and assisted reproduction.
2024 State Legislative Wrap-Up
During 2024, the Center for Reproductive Rights tracked almost 2,000 pieces of reproductive rights legislation across 50 states, and Washington, D.C. This report highlights 2024 legislative trends impacting access to abortion care, assisted reproduction, and [...]
Breaking Ground 2020-2024: Treaty Monitoring Bodies on Reproductive Rights
This report summarizes the jurisprudence from United Nations treaty monitoring bodies on reproductive rights, particularly the standards on reproductive health information and contraception, maternal health care, abortion, and emerging issues in international human rights law.
Rompiendo Barreras, 2020-2024: Órganos de supervisión de los tratados sobre los derechos reproductivos
Rompiendo Barreras, 2020-2024: Órganos de supervisión de los tratados sobre los derechos reproductivos resume la jurisprudencia de los órganos de supervisión de los tratados de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) sobre salud y derechos sexuales y [...]
Right to Health Bench Book: Select Decisions, Issues and Themes (Kenya)
The Constitution of Kenya enshrines the right to health under the Bill of Rights. Notably, before the promulgation of the Constitution of Kenya 2010, social and economic rights were not justiciable. Now, however, jurisprudence on [...]
Center’s Cases at the UN Seek New Human Rights Standard to Ensure Safe Abortion and Protections for Sexual Abuse Survivors
“They are girls, not mothers” cases against Ecuador, Guatemala, and Nicaragua—brought on behalf of four girls denied access to abortion and other reproductive services—could lead to SRHR protections throughout Latin America and across the world.
Brasil dá um passo adiante na garantia da saúde materna, mas ainda não é suficiente
Declaração. 1º de outubro de 2024 - O Governo Federal do Brasil, com a participação do presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, lançou a política pública “Rede Alyne para a Atenção Integral à Mulher Gestante e [...]
Brasil da un paso más en la garantía de la salud materna, pero aún no es suficiente
Declaración. Octubre 1 de 2024 - El Gobierno Federal de Brasil, con la participación del presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, lanzó la política pública "Red Alyne para la Atención Integral de Mujeres Embarazadas y [...]
Persiste lucha por justicia para víctimas de esterilizaciones forzadas durante el régimen de Fujimori
El proceso penal en Perú contra otras autoridades responsables por las esterilizaciones forzadas y el caso de Celia Ramos ante la Corte Interamericana contra el Estado de Perú continúan en curso, pese a la muerte [...]
UN Human Rights Committee Recommends India Improve Access to SRH Services and Education
In attempts to reduce risks of maternal mortality and unintended pregnancies, Committee recommends that India address barriers to safe abortion access, eradicate forced sterilization practices, and provide access to reproductive health education and services.
Center Files Complaints Against Texas Hospitals for Denying Women Emergency Care for Life-Threatening Ectopic Pregnancies
Filings mark the latest Center work representing dozens of patients denied or delayed abortion care despite facing risks to their health, lives and future fertility.
Court Rules Native Hawaiian Midwives Can Resume Providing Care
In Center case defending reproductive autonomy, Court temporarily blocks law preventing traditional midwives from providing pregnancy and birth care in their communities.
Court Rules in Favor of Native Hawaiian Midwives
07.24.2024 (PRESS RELEASE) – Yesterday, a Hawai‘i state court temporarily blocked part of the Midwifery Restriction Law, which prevents pregnant people in Hawai‘i from using traditional midwives for their pregnancies and births, as they have [...]
Community Perspectives, Experiences, and Recommendations on Louisiana’s Abortion Bans
Released by Reproductive Health Impact, Lift Louisiana, and the Center for Reproductive Rights, this report draws from interviews with representatives from community-based organizations and Louisianans of reproductive age to demonstrate the harmful impact of Louisiana’s [...]