Global Advocacy: Publications
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Rompiendo Barreras, 2020-2024: Órganos de supervisión de los tratados sobre los derechos reproductivos
Rompiendo Barreras, 2020-2024: Órganos de supervisión de los tratados sobre los derechos reproductivos resume la jurisprudencia de los órganos de supervisión de los tratados de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) sobre salud y derechos sexuales y [...]
Breaking Ground 2020-2024: Treaty Monitoring Bodies on Reproductive Rights
This report summarizes the jurisprudence from United Nations treaty monitoring bodies on reproductive rights, particularly the standards on reproductive health information and contraception, maternal health care, abortion, and emerging issues in international human rights law.
Feminist Foreign Policy and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
The Center's report outlining recommendations on SRHR for meaningful Feminist Foreign Policy.
Call for Papers: Reproductive and Sexual Autonomy in Asia Publication
We are excited to share a call for paper proposals for an upcoming Center for Reproductive Rights publication entitled, "Reproductive and Sexual Autonomy in Asia." The publication will feature perspectives, learnings, and developments on the [...]
Systemic Racism and Reproductive Injustice in the United States
The Center for Reproductive Rights joined a broad coalition of reproductive rights, health, and justice organizations to submit a report to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD Committee) in preparation for [...]
COVID-19 Resources
During the COVID-19 pandemic, governments around the world have attempted to block or limit access to reproductive health care. The Center for Reproductive Rights and its partners have developed several initiatives, fact sheets, newsletters, and [...]
Protecting Abortion Access in Europe – A Call to Action
Following a decision by the United States Supreme Court taking away the constitutional right to abortion, the Center for Reproductive Rights joined more than 130 leading organizations, working to advance sexual and reproductive health and [...]
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Sexual and Reproductive Health Services in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi and Uganda
This report by the Center for Reproductive Rights, the African Population and Health Research Center, and partners reveals that women and girls from low-income backgrounds in five African countries faced multiple barriers in accessing sexual and [...]
Implementing Rights-based Accountability for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Humanitarian Settings (Report)
Read the report of the pilot study conducted by the Center and CARE International in Uganda.
Las nuevas Directrices sobre la atención para el Aborto de la OMS: Lo más destacado de sus Recomendaciones Legislación y Políticas
Esta hoja informativa, emitida por el Centro de Derechos Reproductivos, analiza los aspectos más destacados de las recomendaciones de leyes y políticas de la OMS de su nueva Guía de atención del aborto emitida en [...]
Fact Sheet: Law and Policy Recommendations of WHO’s New Abortion Guideline
Highlights of law and policy recommendations from WHO's new Abortion Guideline.
Decriminalization of Abortion in Nepal: Imperative to Uphold Women’s Rights (Fact Sheet)
This 2021 fact sheet by the Center for Reproductive Rights and the Forum for Women, Law and Development (FWLD) highlights the continued criminalization of women for seeking abortion beyond prescribed legal conditions despite progressive legislation that [...]
Breaking Ground 2020: Treaty Monitoring Bodies on Reproductive Rights
Breaking Ground 2020: Treaty Monitoring Bodies on Reproductive Rights summarizes the jurisprudence from United Nations treaty monitoring bodies (TMBs) on reproductive rights, particularly the standards on reproductive health information and contraception, maternal health care, and [...]
They Are Girls: SRHR Violations in Latin America and the Caribbean
Background The Latin America and Caribbean region is the only one in the world where the number of girls under 15 giving birth continues to rise. Access to sexual and reproductive health services can save [...]
Unheard Voices: Women’s Experiences with Zika in Colombia
The goal of this report is threefold: firstly, it presents and evaluates the diverse impacts that the Zika virus has had on the reproductive lives of women living in Colombia. Secondly, this report analyzes the [...]
Unheard Voices: Women’s Experiences with Zika in Brazil
The goal of this report is threefold: firstly, it presents and evaluates the diverse impact that the Zika virus has had on the reproductive lives of women living in Brazil. Secondly, this report analyzes the [...]