Asia: All Work
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UN Human Rights Committee Recommends India Improve Access to SRH Services and Education
In attempts to reduce risks of maternal mortality and unintended pregnancies, Committee recommends that India address barriers to safe abortion access, eradicate forced sterilization practices, and provide access to reproductive health education and services.
Center Conducts Training in Nepal to Help Protect SRHR During Disasters
Four-day "train the trainers' event aims to build partners' capacity to implement programs at the grassroots level to enhance accountability and responsiveness.
Factsheet Examines the Impact of India’s Laws on Adolescents’ Access to Abortion Care
Law designed to protect minors has created a chilling effect on adolescent access to safe abortion services.
New Fact Sheet Examines Sri Lanka Abortion Laws, Policies and Practices
Although the country criminalizes abortion, it is available clandestinely—and unsafe abortion is the third leading cause of maternal deaths.
Fact Sheet: Laws, Policies and Practices on Abortion in Sri Lanka
Developed by the Center and its partner, the Centre for Equality and Justice (CEJ), this fact sheet examines the laws and practices around abortion in Sri Lanka.
Advocating for Abortion Reform in the Philippines
New brief outlines the impact of the country’s restrictive laws and recommends legalization and decriminalization.
Advocacy Efforts by the Center and Regional Partners Lead to CEDAW Recommendation to Liberalize Turkmenistan Abortion Law
Advocacy included a joint submission and presentation highlighting the country’s restrictive abortion laws and barriers to access.
In Brief: Unveiling the Realities of Laws on Abortion in the Philippines
This brief outlines the impact of the Philippines’ abortion laws and advocates for the decriminalization of abortion in the country.
Study Finds That Pakistan’s Vague Laws Enable Health Care Providers to Deny Abortion Services in Sindh Province
Report by the Center and Aahung recommends the decriminalization of abortion and training of health care providers to improve access to care.
Unsafe and Unjust: The Legal and Social Barriers That Deny Women and Girls Their Right to Safe Abortion Services in Sindh, Pakistan
This report by the Center for Reproductive Rights and AAHUNG examines the impact of Pakistan’s existing legal framework on the availability and access to safe abortion services in Sindh province of Pakistan and makes recommendations [...]
The Center’s Work in Pakistan
Reports and other recent work on sexual and reproductive health and rights issues in Pakistan.
Center-led Program in Bangladesh to Improve Reproductive Health Services for Rohingya Refugees
Modeled on its successful accountability initiative in Uganda, program at Cox’s Bazar refugee settlement aims to enhance delivery of sexual, reproductive and maternal health services.
Center to Convene Panel on Transnational Surrogacy for the Global South Women’s Forum
Register now to attend this virtual session on October 31.
Discussions with Nepal Leaders Highlight Infertility, Assisted Reproduction and Surrogacy Issues
The Center’s Asia team meets with human rights experts and members of Nepal’s Parliament and Ministry of Health and Population.
Center Organizes Events to Support SRHR in Nepal
Four events feature Center leaders, human rights defenders and other experts on reproductive rights.
Center Holds Seminar for Thai Judges on Legal Issues of Surrogacy in Asia
100+ participants learn about surrogacy laws, case studies and key cases in several Asian countries to help improve legal standards in the region.
Center Leads Workshop to Broaden Understanding of SRHR Issues in Asia
Three-day training for young lawyers, youth advocates, health professionals and others held through the South Asia Reproductive Justice and Accountability Initiative.
Center and Partners Outline Ways to Increase Abortion Access in India
Manual launched by the Center and partners outlines India's abortion laws, barriers to access, and reforms needed.
“Let’s Talk Repro” Series: Prabina Bajracharya, Senior Manager for Asia
"I see reproductive rights as being at the core of gender equality and human rights, and this really resonates with the Center's mission."