Africa: Publications
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Right to Health Bench Book: Select Decisions, Issues and Themes (Kenya)
The Constitution of Kenya enshrines the right to health under the Bill of Rights. Notably, before the promulgation of the Constitution of Kenya 2010, social and economic rights were not justiciable. Now, however, jurisprudence on [...]
Impact Report: 2024 Girl Up Kenya Leadership Summit
The Center for Reproductive Rights' Africa team participated in the Girl Up Kenya Leadership Summit—an annual program that aims to empower girls and young women to take action in advancing gender equality—from July 26–27, 2024, [...]
Teenage Pregnancy in Africa—Status, Progress and Challenges (ACERWC Report)
This report by the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child was developed in partnership and with contributions from the African Child Policy Forum, Plan International, and the Center for Reproductive Rights.
Report: Legal and Human Rights Centre and Center for Reproductive Rights (on behalf of Tanzanian girls) v. The United Republic of Tanzania
In June 2019, the Legal and Human Rights Centre and Center for Reproductive Rights filed a case against the United Republic of Tanzania before the African Committe of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of [...]
Maputo Protocol at 20: Progress on Abortion Rights in Africa
Reporting on the progress of this historic human rights instrument to explicitly guarantee the right to legal abortion in Africa.
Global Trends: Abortion Rights 2022
An infographic showing the global trends in abortion rights.
Aligning the Penal Code to the Constitution: The Malindi High Court Decision on the Question of Abortion in Kenya (Factsheet)
The case of PAK and Salim Mohammed v. Attorney General and Three Others, Malindi High Court
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Sexual and Reproductive Health Services in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi and Uganda
This report by the Center for Reproductive Rights, the African Population and Health Research Center, and partners reveals that women and girls from low-income backgrounds in five African countries faced multiple barriers in accessing sexual and [...]
Implementing Rights-based Accountability for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Humanitarian Settings (Report)
Read the report of the pilot study conducted by the Center and CARE International in Uganda.
Access to SRHR Information by Women and Girls in Kenya
The Center for Reproductive Rights and its partner, Trust for Indigenous Culture and Health (TICAH), have launched a new report titled Access to SRHR Information by Women and Girls in Kenya: Assessment of Nairobi, Bungoma, Homabay, [...]
Open Secret: The Toll of Unsafe Abortion in Tanzania
This research documents the experiences of Tanzanian women and girls with unsafe abortion, including the role of the restrictive legal and policy framework in driving the high levels of unsafe abortion and limiting access to [...]
A Decade of Existence: Revealing Progress, Reversals, and Betrayal of a National Compromise
This report outlines recommendations for effective implementation of Article 26(4) of the Kenyan constitution, including services for access to safe abortion care.
Criminalizing Adolescence
Adolescents constitute 24 percent of the population in Kenya. Nearly one-quarter of adolescents living in Kenya have an unmet need for family planning. This leaves adolescents vulnerable to early and unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmissible [...]
Fact Sheet: Enforcing Kenya’s obligation to provide legal abortion services