Abortion: Fact Sheets
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FAQ: Pro Bono Legal Support for Organizations Affected by the Global Gag Rule
The Center is providing support to U.S. and non-U.S. organizations affected by this regressive policy.
Fact Sheet: The Global Gag Rule and Human Rights
Regressive policy reinstated by the Trump administration undermines health and human rights around the world.
Fact Sheet: CEDAW Inquiry into Poland’s Abortion Law (English and Polish)
Available in English and Polish, this fact sheet assesses human rights violations caused by Poland’s abortion law.
Fact Sheet: Laws, Policies and Practices on Abortion in Sri Lanka
Developed by the Center and its partner, the Centre for Equality and Justice (CEJ), this fact sheet examines the laws and practices around abortion in Sri Lanka.
Decriminalization of Abortion: A Human Rights and Public Health Imperative
This primer demonstrates how decriminalization of abortion is an essential part of states’ human rights obligations and a key step in guaranteeing reproductive autonomy. It also underscores the harmful effects of the continued criminalization of [...]
European Abortion Laws: A Comparative Overview
Get an overview of abortion laws and policies in all 47 European countries (updated September 2023).
Abortion Rights Are Advancing Across the Globe
A supplement to the Center's World’s Abortion Laws Map, this report outlines trends in the liberalization of abortion laws over the last 30 years. You’ll see the 60+ countries that have liberalized their abortion laws [...]
Maputo Protocol at 20: Progress on Abortion Rights in Africa
Reporting on the progress of this historic human rights instrument to explicitly guarantee the right to legal abortion in Africa.
Fact Sheet: The POCSO Act & Adolescents’ Access to Abortion in India
This fact sheet maps the laws governing abortion in India, including the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act (MTP Act), the Indian Penal Code, and the changes made to the MTP Act in 2021.
Colombia: Histórico Avance en la Despenalización del Aborto
This fact sheet discusses the implications of the Colombia Constitutional Court’s ruling in February, 2022, decriminalizing abortion up to 24 weeks of gestation.
Colombia: Historic Advancement in the Decriminalization of Abortion
This fact sheet discusses the implications of the Colombia Constitutional Court's ruling in February, 2022, decriminalizing abortion up to 24 weeks of gestation.
Factsheet: India MTP Amendment Act (2021)
This Center factsheet, released in September 2022, outlines and analyzes India's 2021 MTP Amendment Act, which aimed to reform the country's 50-year-old abortion law, the 1971 Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act.
U.S. Abortion Laws in Global Context (Fact Sheet)
In the aftermath of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, an onslaught of abortion bans have gone into effect throughout the U.S. Half of U.S. states are currently poised [...]
Global Trends: Abortion Rights 2022
An infographic showing the global trends in abortion rights.
Legal and Policy Barriers to Self-Managed Abortion (Report)
We envision a world where individuals seeking abortion care can exercise full reproductive autonomy without any impediments or gatekeepers. This includes the ability of individuals to have self-managed abortions, which are those performed through self-care [...]
Aligning the Penal Code to the Constitution: The Malindi High Court Decision on the Question of Abortion in Kenya (Factsheet)
The case of PAK and Salim Mohammed v. Attorney General and Three Others, Malindi High Court
Las nuevas Directrices sobre la atención para el Aborto de la OMS: Lo más destacado de sus Recomendaciones Legislación y Políticas
Esta hoja informativa, emitida por el Centro de Derechos Reproductivos, analiza los aspectos más destacados de las recomendaciones de leyes y políticas de la OMS de su nueva Guía de atención del aborto emitida en [...]
Fact Sheet: Law and Policy Recommendations of WHO’s New Abortion Guideline
Highlights of law and policy recommendations from WHO's new Abortion Guideline.