Region: Slovakia

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European Union: Addressing the urgent needs of refugees from Ukraine who seek sexual and reproductive healthcare and gender-based violence support card link

European Union: Addressing the urgent needs of refugees from Ukraine who seek sexual and reproductive healthcare and gender-based violence support

17 October 2023 (PRESS RELEASE) Geneva – Today, the European Parliament held a plenary debate on the situation of refugee women from Ukraine, including their access to sexual and reproductive health and rights. The debate [...]

Humanitarian Settings, SRHR General,Europe, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine,Engaging Policymakers,News

World Refugee Day: Many Refugees Across Europe Continue to Be Denied Access to Essential Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare, Prompting Call for Urgent Action

20.06.23 (PRESS RELEASE) Geneva – Many refugee women and girls who have sought sanctuary and safety in Europe are still being denied access to sexual and reproductive healthcare and gender-based violence support services, according to [...]

Abortion, Adolescent SRHR, Contraception, Humanitarian Settings, SRHR General,Europe, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine,Engaging Policymakers,Press Releases

New Study Suggests Many Women Refugees from Ukraine are Returning Home Temporarily to Access Essential Reproductive Healthcare as a Result of Barriers in Parts of the EU

16.05.23 (PRESS RELEASE) Geneva – Women from Ukraine who sought sanctuary in the European Union often experience a series of entrenched barriers when seeking access to sexual and reproductive healthcare and gender-based violence support in [...]

Abortion, Contraception, SRHR General,Europe, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine,Reporting on Rights,News

New Study Finds Many Refugees from Ukraine are Cut Off from Reproductive Health Care

Facing restrictive abortion and contraception laws and other quality of care barriers in Poland, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia, many women feel they have no choice but to return to Ukraine to obtain care.

Abortion, Contraception, Emergency Contraception, Humanitarian Settings, Maternal Health, SRHR General,Europe, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine,Reporting on Rights,News

Care in Crisis: Failures to guarantee the sexual and reproductive health and rights of refugees from Ukraine in Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia 

The Center for Reproductive Rights and eight partner organizations documented the gaps and barriers in access to sexual and reproductive healthcare and gender-based violence support services that are faced by refugees from Ukraine in Hungary, [...]

Humanitarian Settings, SRHR General,Europe, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine,Reporting on Rights,Publications
Center and Partners Call on Europe and Broader International Community to Address the Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs of Women and Girls Impacted by the Conflict in Ukraine card link

Center and Partners Call on Europe and Broader International Community to Address the Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs of Women and Girls Impacted by the Conflict in Ukraine

In a Call to Action, the Center for Reproductive Rights joined more than 60 human rights organizations to urge the European Union, Member State governments, the United Nations, other donor governments, and the broader international [...]

Humanitarian Settings, SRHR General,Europe, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia,At the United Nations, Engaging Policymakers, Around the World,Story

Slovakia joint civil society letter

Letter to the Slovak Parliament on behalf of 110 organizations, including the Center for Reproductive Rights, regarding a draft bill entitled Návrh skupiny poslancov Národnej rady Slovenskej republiky na vydanie zákona o pomoci tehotným ženám, [...]

Abortion,Europe, Slovakia,Engaging Policymakers, Around the World,Documents

Europe Update: Abortion Rights at Risk in Poland and Slovakia

Recent developments in Poland and Slovakia demonstrate the ongoing struggle to defend abortion rights against coordinated and systemic attacks on sexual and reproductive rights across the world.   Poland   Update: On Wednesday, January 27, 2021, Poland’s government published an announcement from [...]

Abortion,Europe, Poland, Slovakia,Around the World,News

Breaking: Slovakia’s Parliament Rejects Harmful Restrictions on Abortion Care

Today, the Slovak Parliament once again rejected pending legislation that would have introduced new regressive restrictions on women’s access to abortion care and subjected women to a series of harmful and medically unnecessary requirements prior [...]

Abortion,Slovakia,Engaging Policymakers,News

Joint Civil Society Letter on Proposed Abortion Restrictions in Slovakia (Slovak Version)

Abortion,Slovakia,Engaging Policymakers,Publications