Region: Germany
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Germany has a historic opportunity to modernise its abortion law
Center for Reproductive Rights welcomes presentation of new cross-party proposal to make abortion care equitable and more accessible
Germany Faces Growing Pressure to Reform its Outdated Abortion Law
New law proposed by German organizations and experts builds on recommendations from a government-appointed expert commission.
Expert Panel Calls on Germany to Legalize Abortion in First 12 Weeks
The New York Times
In this New York Times piece, the Center's Adriana Lamačkova comments on German abortion laws and the need for reform.
German Expert Commission Recommends Modernization of Abortion Law
GENEVA, 15.04.2024 (PRESS RELEASE) – Today the Center for Reproductive Rights welcomed clear calls for major reform of German abortion law from the Commission on Reproductive Self-Determination and Reproductive Medicine. The Commission was tasked by [...]
Opinion for the Commission on Reproductive Self-Determination and Reproductive Medicine (Germany)
Stellungnahme für die Kommission zur Reproduktiven Selbstbestimmung und Fortpflanzungsmedizin (Deutschland)
Protected: German Commission Recommends Modernizing Country’s Abortion Law, After Center Submission
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