Region: Chile

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Profesionales de la salud, expertas internacionales y organizaciones de mujeres apoyan el nuevo reglamento de objeción de conciencia  card link

Profesionales de la salud, expertas internacionales y organizaciones de mujeres apoyan el nuevo reglamento de objeción de conciencia 

Diversas organizaciones y expertas internacionales han presentado un escrito ante la Contraloría General de la República este jueves 22 de agosto de 2024, defendiendo la legalidad del Decreto N° 22 del Ministerio de Salud que [...]

SRHR General,Latin America & Caribbean, Chile,Reporting on Rights,Press Releases

Escrito objeción de conciencia para Contraloría Chile

Téngase presente consideraciones de hecho y derecho para trámite de toma de razón

SRHR General,Latin America & Caribbean, Chile,Reporting on Rights,Documents

Caso Francisca: (F.S.) Violaciones a los Derechos Reproductivos de las Mujeres Viviendo con VIH

En 2002, Francisca decidió tener su primer hijo, pero en la primera etapa de su embarazo la diagnosticaron VIH. Ella tomó las medidas para reducir el contagio vertical al feto y dio a luz mediante [...]

HIV/AIDS, Discriminatory Policies, SRHR General,Latin America & Caribbean, Chile,In the Courts,Publications

President of Chile Issues Public Apology to Woman who was Sterilized Without Her Consent in Landmark Case at the IACHR

On May 26, President Gabriel Boric of Chile delivered a public apology to Francisca, a woman with HIV who was sterilized without her consent after giving birth in 2002. The apology is part of a [...]

SRHR General,Latin America & Caribbean, Chile,In the Courts,Story

Chilean Government Publicly Apologizes to a Woman Who was Sterilized Without Her Consent Based on HIV Status 

Today, a Chilean woman named Francisca received a public apology from the Chilean government for having been sterilized without her authorization after giving birth in 2002.

SRHR General,Latin America & Caribbean, Chile,In the Courts,News
Sobreviviente de esterilización sin consentimiento logra que Chile le pida disculpas públicas e inicie reformas para garantizar derechos reproductivos card link

Sobreviviente de esterilización sin consentimiento logra que Chile le pida disculpas públicas e inicie reformas para garantizar derechos reproductivos

Santiago de Chile, Mayo 26 de 2022 - Hoy Francisca, como es conocida la sobreviviente por motivos de reserva de identidad, logró que el Estado chileno reconociera su responsabilidad internacional por los hechos que enfrentó [...]

SRHR General,Latin America & Caribbean, Chile,In the Courts,News

Amicus Work: Latin America and the Caribbean

Case of Britez Arce et. al. v. Argentina Inter-American Court of Human Rights (2022) Issue: Obstetric violence in Latin America and the Caribbean Center Position: Obstetric violence is a form of gender-based violence. This case [...]

Latin America & Caribbean, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Peru,Case Document

Chile Agrees to End Forced Sterilization Practices and Provide Reparations in Case at the IACHR

The agreement provides justice for Francisca--a woman with HIV forcibly sterilized in a Chilean hospital--after a years-long effort by the Center for Reproductive Rights and Vivo Positivo at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.

HIV/AIDS, Discriminatory Policies, Maternal Health, Coercive Policies,Latin America & Caribbean, Chile, Accountability Bodies, Inter-American Human Rights System,In the Courts,Story

Call on Costa Rica Now

For too long, women in Costa Rica have been denied legal abortion services—help us fight back. Your voice counts – sign the petition now to urge the Costa Rican government to permit women to receive [...]

Abortion, Legal Restrictions, Maternal Health, Coercive Policies,Latin America & Caribbean, Chile, Costa Rica,Engaging Policymakers, Around the World,News

Chile to Pass Historic Bill

Chile to Pass Historic Bill that Decriminalizes Abortion in Certain Circumstances Chile to Pass Historic Bill that Decriminalizes Abortion in Certain Circumstances (PRESS RELEASE) Today Chile’s Constitutional Tribunal voted 6 to 4 to pass an abortion [...]

Abortion, Legal Restrictions,Latin America & Caribbean, Chile,In the Courts, Engaging Policymakers, Around the World,News